Chapter 6

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When we finally went to sleep I couldn't tell you, the sun was streaming in through a crack in the curtains. Exhausted I fell asleep snuggled up in Lil Wayne's arms. I was to sleepy to think about what all this meant, that I miss average had just spent the night in Lil Wayne's bed. Maybe just maybe, I wasn't average anymore.

I awoke with a start. Wayne was in the other room talking to someone, from the sound of it Cortez. I had sat upright in bed and realized I was still undressed. I grabbed my clothes that had been carelessly thrown on the floor and practically sprinted to the bathroom. I filled the huge jacuzzi tub up and turned the jets on sinking down into the hot soothing bubbly water.

I was there eyes closed trying to calm my mind when I heard Wayne walk in. My eyes flashed open taking him in. He had thrown on some wild print long shorts . He was again shirtless. Damn him if his tattooed flesh didn't make him sexy as hell to me. Wayne approached me slowly. I guess he was try8ign to judge my reaction to him after what had went down between us last night. I just watched him cross the room not saying a word, the closer he got the more relaxed he became. Sitting on the edge of the tub he dipped his hands in the water splashing water in my face. I picked up my washcloth and threw it at him. Of course he caught it, but hey at least I tried.

"You want something to eat?" he asked. I shrugged, "have you ate?" Wayne shook his head no throwing the washcloth back at me. "No, I just got up, somebody had me up all night." I could feel my face blush but I looked up at him innocently. " I have absolutely no idea what your talking about." Wayne laughed "Oh, I think you do." We locked eyes for a second before he said. "I'm starving, what ya want to eat baby". I shrugged, "whatever." Wayne keep his eyes on me, "well you want to go out or stay in?" I opened my mouth the shut it quickly. I stated thinking about TMZ for some reason. Was Wayne ever in one? Would we have people following us around? Glancing at Wayne I saw him watching me and I had the feeling as if he was trying to judge me. "Whatever you want," I said. Wayne cocked that eyebrow at me.

"Ok, I have a show tonight so I'll be out, your going to be in VIP with Cortez. Wayne started to walk out but stoped and turned around. "You do want to go with me right." I smiled up at him and said, "well Yeah." Wayne grinned turning around flipping the lights off. "Hurry up baby before I get your ass out myself, you got me starving like marvin." As he flipped the lights back on I stood up releasing the drain. Wayne turned back around grabbing my towel and walked toward me wrapping my body in the towel. He held out his hands helping me step out of the huge tub. I wrapped the towel securely around me following Wayne out the bathroom. My every intention was to go to my bag for some fresh clothes. Wayne never let me past the bed.

"Maybe room service would be best." I said playing with Wayne's dreads. I was propped up on some pillows and Wayne was layed on his side, his head rested on my stomach. "I know right." he said with a laugh, "we will need to get ready soon, what do you want to eat?" I shrugged feeling at peace not wanting to ever leave the bed. Sex with Wayne was amazing, he didn't play, that boy knew exactly what he was doing. "They have a pretty good steak." Wayne said sitting up. He pulled me up with him, I leaned into him as he threaded his arms around me kissing my shoulders. "Ok, sounds good." I said, feeling dizzy from the kisses he was placing on my neck.

Wayne had ordered the food and steped out on the balcony to smoke. I started getting dressed deciding on some whit shorts with a turquoise top and my silver sandales. I quickly put on my makeup and brushed my long brown hair. I was on the phone with Fallon when the food arrived. Wayne had already dressed and I told him I would be in there as soon as I got off the phone. Fallon kept telling me "luv you"and push the phone away, I know she did that at least 50 times. I talked to her dad only long enough to ensure things were ok.

Wayne had already separated out food and was eating by the time I sat down beside him. "You miss your lil one." he said. I glanced up at him and felt the first tear fall. I nodded, "this is the first time I've been away from her, you know like she isn't around the corner if I start missing her." Wayne eyed me reaching over and wiping my tears away and replacing them with light kisses. "Your ok, and so is she, relax and breath baby." The rest of the meal Wayne talked some about his kids and how hard it is not seeing them as much as he would like.

When I was done eating I stood up to go back to the room but Wayne scooted out his chair and pulled me down into his lap. "you ok Maci." Looking into his chocolate eyes I nodded, yeah, and how could I not be ok when I was wrapped in his arms. He made all my worries go away. I smiled slightly, "so whats up with this show." Wayne shrugged, "same old shit, we will be back here about 12 maybe later. We could hit up some clubs after but I was kinda wanting to spend the rest of the night with you." The reality that tonight was my last night with him hit me like a brick. For an instant I had that what in the hell were you thinking but as Wayne's lips tasted mine all thoughts were forgotten.

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