Chapter 23

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I just stood there not even daring to look up to see his reflection in the window. I hugged myself closing my eyes. I felt the first tear start to fall and tried to wipe it away. Wayne stood up and walked up on me, he was so close I could feel his chest on my back. "Dammit Maci, talk to me." I sighed, I had no idea what to say to him. I was still in shock over what he had just said. I had no idea if he meant what he said or if he just said it because I basically had told him I was done. He took a step closer to me turning me around to face him. I wouldn't look up at him so he grabbed my chin pulling it up. "Maci, baby I'm sorry if that shit hurt you, do you really think I would be running around LA looking for you if you didn't mean the world to me. I couldn't help the tears that continued to fall. Wayne tried to lean down to kiss me but i took a step back . He sighed and I could see him getting frustrated. "You want me to fucking leave, I just told you I love you, do you know how hard that was to say to you." I let out a breath. "Then why say it, don't say it just because you think that's what I want to hear, tell me because you mean it." Wayne walked up on me pressing me back up against the hotel window. " I fucking meant it Maci. I love you ok. I fucking love you, now throw it in my face some more." I just stood there mouth wide open as Wayne stormed out the room slamming the door behind him never looking back.

I stood there in shock for a minute. I didn't know what to do, but I knew if I let him leave things would never be the same. I ran after him and caught him just as the elevator doors were shutting. He looked up and right before the door shut I managed to say, "Please don't go." I sat down on a bench by the elevator waiting to see if he would come back or not. After about 10 minutes I gave up getting up and slowly making my way back to my room. I was halfway down the hall when I heard the elevator chime and open. I stopped walking daring to turn around. It was a couple who glanced at me but turned and went the other way. I sighed, I wiped at the tears that were steady flowing turning back around. I hadn't even taken a step when I heard the other elevator chime. I slowly turned around and saw him standing there looking beaten and broken. I took a deep breath and walked up to him. Looking up at him he leaned down pressing his forehead against mine. He wiped the tears from my eyes. "I didn't think you were going to come back." Wayne sighed. "I wasn't." I let out a breath. "I'm so confused Wayne. I love you , you've know I love you, but you've hurt me. I don't' know if I can trust you." Wayne sighed pulling me too him. "Maci that girl is just jealous of you, there is always going to be some hoe who wants what you got, you have to believe in me to do right by you. You acting like this is jut what she is hoping for." I gave in and let him wrap me in his arms. "I don't want to be without you, but I can't handle that shit." Wayne pulled my face back up to his placing a kiss on my lips. "I love you Maci, you gotta have have faith in me." I layed my head on his chest. "I love you too."

We stood just like that for a minute before he lead me back to the room. Wayne handed me his phone. "Call Adrianna she is on the couch at the house crying her eyes out." I nodded dialing her number. She answered on the first ring. "Did you find her." I could hear the tears in her voice. "I told you I was fine." Adrianna let out a sight. "Bitch don't you ever leave me again. I looked up and you was just gone, and I see Wayne running out the door. Chris and I was like what the fuck. Then you wont answer your phone and you send me some bullshit text saying your ok don't worry." I go and sit on the edge of the bed next to Wayne and he leaned his head on my shoulders and I leaned my head against his reaching out for his hand. "I'm sorry Adrianna I had to get out of there." She sighed. "What the hell happened." I shook my head, now was not the time to talk about it. "We will talk on the ride home ok." She agreed and I told her I would see her in a bit.

I handed Wayne back his phone and he threw it on the nightstand beside mine. Wayne leaned in placing kisses on my neck. I sighed. I wanted to be angry at him so bad, I wanted to push him away,but at the same time I knew I never could. I let Wayne pull me into his lap and met his kisses. "Forgive me." I shrugged. "I'll try but the girl has got to go." Wayne shook his head. "Don't leave me today Maci." I closed my eyes. Wayne never understood that my life wasn't like his. I had things I had to do, I couldn't push things back. I heard him sigh and looked up at him and could see the disappointment in his eyes. "I have to go back with Adrianna, I would never put her on a plane by herself. Plus I have my baby girl to think of." Wayne shook his head. "GO get her and come back, fuck your job Maci." I shook my head. "Wayne your not ready for all that." Wayne put his hands on my hips. "You don't know what I'm ready for." I put my arms around him and let everything go. For teh first time I felt like instead of just having sex I felt like we were making love. Wayne drove me crazy, making sure I was completely satisfied before finding his own release.

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