Chapter 55

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Cassie's POV
"Oh Elizabeth, I see you've made it in by yourself," I smirk as she walks over, a stack of newspapers in hand. "Are those what I think they are?"
"Mhmm. Where's Eva? I think she might actually want to see this," she replies. "Oh-" She darts behind us as Caleb walks past, wide eyed with fists clenched at his side. Last I checked, he was going to talk to Eva, did something happen?

Did the queen take over?

"Hey- is something up?" Hunter asks, calling after him. "Are Eva and Cas alright?"
"Yes- no- they're not hurt, if that's what you're worrying about. Just... keep an eye on them - Eva specifically - for me, okay?" He replies.
"Yeah, of course," I breathe. The moment he's gone, Elizabeth moves from her hiding spot behind us and we head to Eva and Cas' room. They both look completely unharmed as they sit on the balcony together, though when Eva turns around to look at us, her eyes are noticeably red.

"Lizzy! Is that what I think it is?" She grins, acting like her normal bubbly self. "Gimme."
"A please would be nice," Elizabeth sighs. When Eva doesn't respond, she almost laughs, "I think I've met Impures with better manners than you." Sneering at her, Eva snatches one of the papers from her hands and immediately starts reading as she beckons Cas over. Elizabeth hands out the remaining copies of the newspaper and I'm almost startled when I see the photo of Eva that accompanies the article. All the pictures of Eva that have appeared on the front page of newspapers have always looked so dull and dreary. But not this one, her grin reeks of snarkiness as Cas lingers behind her in his dragon form.

Eva Kim strikes back

"A striking headline, I must say," Eva snickers as Flynn sighs beside her.
"You're seriously making puns at a time like this? Anyway... woah, this is impressive," he smirks.

"'Twenty years after the initial bombings in the mines of Syrin, chaos begin again. Eva Kim, the half blooded great granddaughter of the notorious rebel from before the war, follows in her ancestor's footsteps, using the name that belongs to both of them to make a change to this corrupt society once and for all," Eva reads, a grin now forming on her lips. "Before fleeing the crime scene, the perpetrator removed her cape, revealing her face to the anxious onlookers as she said: "Don't you want to find out what happened to the princess? Don't you want to find out where she is now?" Gasps, cries and confusion echoed through the nearby area as she spoke. "Well I'm right here, you Pure bastards!" She yelled, continuing on to reveal her true identity as not only the king's half blood daughter, but someone who might just change this system that oppresses Impures and half bloods such as herself. The cape was the only object left behind, but her words have lingered in the minds of all who heard them.'"

Impressive doesn't even begin to describe it.

"You made me sound a lot cooler than I actually am," Eva laughs slightly. "But it's great, I'm impressed, Lizzy. It's a good thing we've got you as an ally now."
"You certainly impressed me too, Eva. I must admit, I was shocked when you revealed your identity just like that."
"Yeah, so were we," Hunter adds. "She didn't tell us a thing; you told Cas though, right?"
"Nope. She mentioned she had a backup plan in case she needed it, but that's all," Cas replies as Eva's cheeks go a little pink.
"Well, to be honest, I didn't tell him because I didn't think I'd have to use it. It just seemed too underwhelming, it needed a little more excitement and thrill to it."

"I mean, you definitely achieved that," I laugh a little. "So, now we've got this, what's our next step?"
"Continue doing things like this, I guess. Not massive or anything like that, and they don't have to be violent - I don't want them to be violent. But like, protests, strikes, things like that..." she replies. "Or maybe... maybe we could tell people's stories. Like, this is just an example, we could do articles about cruel actions caused by Pures: the fire, the prison, parents of half bloods who were killed for no reason. But- that's just an idea."

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