Chapter 4

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Eva's POV
"Wait, you have to be kidding! He threw you in a cell!" Flynn almost yells, spitting out his drink.
"I told you to be quiet. It's all fine now anyway, I should've known you wouldn't give my stuff to anyone else," I say.
"I know that book means a lot to you, I wouldn't dream of handing it over to little miss Lucky, or anyone really."
"Nice to know that you're not gonna betray us anytime soon," Cas laughs, skimming through the pink journal's pages. "Have you finished reading this yet Eva?"
"No. Sebastian's handwriting is tiny so there's a bunch of information on each page. And then there's my tendencies to analyse everything, I've filled any and all gaps so far with my own notes," I sigh, taking it from his hands.

"Hey Kim," Warren says, walking into the room. "I found these, seems like two of the previous residents of this place had the curse that you and Carmen have. I found these, they seemed to write about it a lot." He dumps a stack of papers on the table and leaves before I can even thank him. But skimming through the pages is enough to almost overwhelm me with information.

There are notes from two people as shown by the contrasting handwriting. One is neat, the other is almost as illegible as my own. One Pure, one Impure. And neither refer to the other by name. Each one is marked with a different date, the earliest of them being only three years ago.

It appears that not only are our souls linked, but part of my soul is in the Impure's and part of his is in mine. I feel filthy just thinking about it.

Does that mean the same goes for us?

Looking up, I peer at Cas' soul, and I notice a hint of purple, a hint of me, in it. The same goes for my own, except it's a splash of orange. Of him.

"Cas, look at this," I say, handing him that piece of paper as I look through the rest.

We've figured out the main issue with this curse. Even if we don't push the limits of how far apart we remain from each other, it feels awful to even be like this. I think it's got something to do with what the Pure mentioned, we have a bit of our souls in each other, so maybe they struggle to stay in when we're this far apart. I would suggest this idea to the Pure, but like usual, he would disregard it because I'm Impure. Because I'm stupid.

Soon, we're all reading through the notes in chronological order, even Flynn. This is the most information I've ever found about the curse, it was right here, somewhere I would never even think to look. All found out by one Pure and one Impure. And all to be analysed by a curious little half blood.

I would scribble my notes on it now, but it's easier to do it when I don't have others distracting me.

"I wonder... do you think these two could still be alive?" Flynn asks, holding up a piece of paper.
"Well, even if they were, they never refer to the other by name. It's always "Pure" or "Impure", makes me sick," I reply.

"That's where you're wrong Eva, look here," he laughs. He hands me one of the sheets, yet I still don't see even one name.
"If you're trying to mess with me, it's not funny Flynn."
"I think you're the one messing with me, it's right there."

He points at the beginning of the writing, yet I don't see a name. In fact, there isn't any writing there.

"Cas, do you see it?" I ask, pouting slightly.
"Yeah. Just one though. Let's see, "my name is Ryder Quinn. I'm an Impure who has been chained to a Pure I don't even know the name of. And I don't plan to let him know mine either" that's what it says," Cas reads.
"I still don't see it anywhere..." I murmur.
"Look, it's right here," Flynn grabs my hand and traces my finger along as blank part of the page. "You'd be blind not to see it."

"Not blind... rather... Pure..." Cas mutters.


"Listen, "I don't plan to let him know mine", well he just wrote it on the paper. Maybe he somehow made it so that no Pure could read it. And seeing you have Pure blood in you... I don't know, it's just a guess."
"Cas... you're a genius! That's exactly it! And chances are, the Pure probably did the same, except... no one here is going to be able to read that," I sigh, looking at the first Pure one. "If only Maven came along."
"Don't we know any Pures that can help us? Any close by ones that is."
"I don't know any Pure other than Maven who's on our side."

As I search my mind for anyone who may help, Cassie walks up behind me and peers over my shoulder.

"What's that?" She asks, her eyes skimming through the words. "Oh, someone else with the curse on you too... Tyran Crimson. I've heard about him, he apparently went missing under mysterious circumstances three years ago."

For a moment I just sit silently, eyes wide as I search for the name Cassie speaks of.

She's Impure. A peculiar one who for some reason can see souls. Maybe she's not what she thinks she is.

"Cassie, can you see a name here?" I ask, pointing to where Flynn and Cas claim the name was.
"Well duh, Ryder Quinn. Why'd you ask?"

"Cassie... how can you see both of the names?" Flynn asks.
"What do you mean?"
"This name," I say, pointing where the name Ryder Quinn should be, "has some sort of spell on it making it so no Pure can read it. And this one, it has the same but reversed, no Impure can read it. I couldn't read either but you... you can read both...?"

"But... I'm an Impure. My mum and my dad, they were both Impures."

"Could it be that you're something entirely different? Not quite Pure, not quite Impure, not necessarily in between. If you were some mix, you wouldn't be able to read either... what could you be...?"

I can't even answer my own question. What could she be? Her blood is red, she can see souls, none of it makes any sense. I don't get it. It seems impossible. But the impossible seems to be coming true more and more. For example, how I can see my own soul. It shouldn't be able to happen yet it does.

Suddenly, something hard wacks against my head, snapping me out of my daze.
"Ow," I groan rubbing the back of my head.
"Back with us I see, you spaced out for like ten minutes," Hunter says, standing behind me with a book in his hand. So he's the culprit.

Wait, when did he get here?

"Was it really necessary to hit me with a book?"
"Necessary? Probably not. Hilarious? Absolutely," he replies with a laugh. "Anyway, that doesn't matter right now, Lucky has a mission for the two of you."

By the door, Lucky stands awkwardly, scratching the back of her head.
"I'm sorry about earlier by the way."
"Oh, it's fine, really."
"No, it's not. I'm the one who suggested the idea to Warren! It's just... I knew he'd get suspicious eventually, I didn't want something to happen later on. Anyway, as for the mission, there's a house in the middle of the woods, and several years ago the royal guard was sent there for some unknown reason. The residents of the house consisted of two Impures, we have no clue what they did to warrant the actions that occurred, but both Impures died."

"So what do you want us to do?"

"Investigate the house. Warren is certain that something was going on there, after all, the Pures wouldn't care about two Impures in the woods anyway. Especially when one was merely a child."

Cas suddenly turns into a dragon and settles in my lap, almost burying her face in my arms. What's wrong? Did Lucky say something to upset him?

"Do you have either of their names?" Cas then asks, lifting his head up slightly.
"We don't know the child's name, but we know their guardian's name: Edith Harris. The child was a boy no more than ten."

That's when things begin to slot together in my mind. But then again, if what I'm suspecting is true, then there would surely be no reason to go. Cas could just tell Lucky immediately.

"We'll get going tomorrow," Cas says, "if that's okay with you."
"Yeah, it's fine by me."

Tomorrow we get going.

And when the journey comes, Cas is more on edge than before, lingering behind me as we walk.

I'm sure my assumption was right, but I won't mention it until he does.

Nova Note:
Next chapter we get some Cas angst
And it's prewritten so it'll come out basically immediately

That's all bye bye

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