Chapter 41

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Eva's POV
"Hey Cas," Flynn calls, kicking the door open. "How's Eva doing-?"
"Morning Flynn," I yawn, walking out of the bathroom off the side of the bedroom after getting changed. Whilst I was asleep, not only were clothes clearly supplied to us, but even my injuries have been healed. "Four days huh, how am I still tired?"
"You're up... god, time to deal with your non stop chattering again," he sighs.
"How do you think I feel?" I groan, walking up to him. As I approach, I grab one of my shoes that had been dumped on the floor and hit him on the head with it, before dropping it again.

"What was that for?!" He yells.
"A little me told me to do it," I smirk, as Cas flutters over.
"I'll explain what I know when everyone else is here. I'm real hungry though, c'mon, let's go have breakfast." Yawning again, I walk out of the room, Flynn trailing after me with a confused look on his face. The dining room already has several people in, in fact, everyone else seems to be awake.

"I'll make your breakfast," Cas says as he hops off my shoulder. "Toast and tea?"
"That works for me," I reply, sitting down at the table. At first, no one really seems to notice, so I choose to go along with this and not bring any attention to myself.

"So Flynn, any idea as to when Eva might wake up?" Cassie asks, her forehead resting on the table. "We need her up soon."
"Who knows?" I reply with a slight giggle.
"Certainly not any of us, we should ask Caleb what he might-"

She suddenly trails off, looking up as I stifle a smile. Her jaw drops slightly, prompting Lucky and Hunter to glance my way. Neither are as shocked as she is, but Lucky does let out a sigh of relief. "I thought you would never wake."
"Four days right? That's pretty crazy if you ask me," I reply as Cas places my food in front of me. "So how much do you know of what happened?"

"A fair bit, your dad explained a lot," Hunter answers. "You had something called an outburst that Cas just about managed to save you from. You then slept for like four day experiencing something called a gallery, a bunch of all your important memories put together, right? And you had some guide too, though Caleb said not everyone has one."
"Yours was a younger version of yourself, right?" Cas asks.
"Kinda. It was split into four sections: my time in Surrek; my time in the palace; then it was Cas and I living with Maven and finally it was from when we set out to find mum until... we'll now. The first three had versions of me from that period of time, though a younger Cas was in the third. But the last one wasn't the current me, rather, it was my great grandmother."

"Isn't she dead?"

"Well yeah, but she said that the gallery manages to bring souls to it that are even dead. And that leads me onto the next part I guess... right at the end, she insisted I speak to some others... the first of which was Sebastian, but he didn't say anything that would be of any value to you."
"Who was the second then?" Flynn asks.
"Ada. God, I sobbed so much when I saw her."

"You're kidding me... you got to speak to her...?" Cassie gapes, almost shaking slightly.
"I didn't believe it at first, even though I saw both my great grandmother and Sebastian before her. But she said things that I had no way of knowing. She... she told me to tell you she says goodbye, that she hopes it'll be a long, long while before she sees any of you again," I explain. "I didn't really get to know her before, but she really did seem like an amazing person."
"Duh, that's because she is," Hunter snorts. "She was particularly close with Officer Ebony, or - I guess - James. I wonder if she knew about you."
"She did mention something about that... apparently she got real mad at the fact that I "died" in the fire," I explain. "She's known about me for years and I didn't even know it."

"That's certainly a strange thing to think about. Anyway, we have some plans for today-" Lucky cuts herself off immediately as the dining room door opens.

"Dad..." Before I know it, he's pulling me into a tight hug, almost visibly shivering as he does. "Are you okay?" I ask.
"I should be asking you that," he replies with a slight laugh. "I... I need to tell you something, in private preferably, is that alright?"
"Oh yeah, of course."

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