Chapter 62

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Cassie's POV
"You did what?!" I almost gape when Eva and Cas tell us.
"I know right, it's exciting!" She grins, certainly more bubbly than I have seen her as of recent. "We'll finally be able to get rid of the queen for good. And so soon as well."
"That's definitely impressive," Hunter smirks, scruffing up her hair. "Did you sort things out with your dad?"
"Yeah, thanks for talking to me about that. I don't know if I would have had the confidence to talk to him if it weren't for your help," she replies. "But anyways, we were thinking about doing a strike on the twenty-fourth. On that same day, we'll go defeat the nightmare. What do you think about that?"
"Sounds good," I shrug.
"I- no it doesn't. You're kidding Eva," Flynn says. "I... the anniversary of the fire? I don't know if I could do that."

"I'm serious Flynn. It... it seems appropriate, it'll be more impactful."

"Maybe it will, but I don't know if I'd be able to give it my all on a day that always ends up hurting me. Surely you're the same."
"I'll be fine. It's been eight years, trust me, I'll be fine. As for you... I'm sorry, but I've already told Lizzy we're doing it then and she's gone home now. I- I can change the plans if you-"
"No. You're right, it would be the best day to do it. I'll just have to get all my mourning done the day before, and so will you," he replies with a slight laugh.

"Are you sure?" He nods. "Alright then. I had a plan that I haven't told Lizzy about yet, I don't intend to at all actually. You'll have to tell me if it's crazy, but I was thinking in the next few days, we can begin to help the half bloods in the prison escape, so that they can be around and speak out on the day of the strike. Or-"

"You're planning stuff, are you?"
"Dad? I didn't think you'd be back so soon."
"Well, here I am. If you want to help the half bloods escape, I'd gladly help. You'll have to find somewhere safe for them until your little strike, though, or maybe..." Caleb says.
"What about the queen?" I ask.
"She won't be back for a while," he smirks a little, pointing to a dark grey ring on his finger. "It's made of Silence, it keeps her away."
"How would you help us then? You can't just tell the guards there to set them free, surely they'd find that sudden change suspicious," Cas adds.

"Simple, I'll tell the guards that I'm reassigning them elsewhere. Except, they won't get a replacement, meaning you can do what you need to do?"

"Really?! That would be great! When can you do it?"

"I can go sort things out now. Is there anything you need me to do on the day of your plan?" He asks Eva.
"Yeah actually. Just wait in the throne room, and when we arrive, remove the ring so the queen can come back into control. Maybe take your wand with you too, we might need your help when it comes to defeating her."

"Alright. Well, I'll see you all later. By tomorrow, you should be able to enter the prison without any issue and do what you need to do. For their safety, I suggest having the half bloods remain there until the day of the strike, though they will be able to roam around freely once the guards are gone."

Nodding, we watch as he leaves the room and Eva suddenly perks up. "Oh! I should go tell mum about this. C'mon Cas, I left my communicator in my room."

"Wait a sec Eva, how's Elizabeth planning to spread the news of the strike?" Hunter asks.
"Newspapers, of course. There are certain shops that only get Impure customers, so she's making sure to fill those with them. She's also convinced some Impures that go to that café you met her at to help spread them around. Is that all?"
"Yep, go tell your mum the good news."

Her and Cas walk off, Flynn soon following with a slight sigh. I guess it makes sense that I didn't make the connection that the twenty fourth is the anniversary of the fire, it's not something I had to live through, but I am surprised that Eva chose that day. She seemed certain that she'd be okay, and maybe she would be; I mean, now she has Alice and James and Flynn with her again, plus a new group of friends, but that doesn't mean she'll definitely be okay. Flynn seemed distraught when Eva first suggested the date, he still seems bothered by it now, I'd expect Eva to feel the same way. She's clearly thought things through, so I suppose I should have more faith in her.

"Hey Cassie..." Hunter says, immediately trailing off. "Never mind."
"What is it?"
"I just- it's nothing really but... god I just wish Ada was here for all this. I've just tried to ignore her death and pretend she ran off again or something, but I don't think I can do that anymore. It's just so hard to comprehend," he sighs, sitting down on the dining room table.
"That's okay, y'know? I'm not finding this easy, so why should you? You were her friend, just because you loved her in a different way to me, it doesn't mean you didn't love her."
"Right... you think she'd be proud of us?"

"Definitely. But y'know, if we want to be certain, we'll just have to make sure Eva asks if she has another outburst thingy," I laugh a little. "I have to admit that I'm a little jealous that Eva was able to see her. But I suppose it did some good for her, I'm sure Eva blamed herself for what happened."
"Well that's not a surprise, even you blamed her at first," he chuckles.
"Oh shut up... I was way too upset to think straight. I should've known that it wasn't her fault, but even so..."
"I know, I'm just teasing. But to think, it'll all be over so soon."
"That is if things go to plan."

"They will. I'm sure of it."

The next day, we go down to the prison with Eva, Cas and Flynn to tell all the half bloods the plan. Tana - who before now made herself out to be quite cold and indifferent - is surprisingly excited by the plan. And so is everyone else. Their chance for freedom, it's so, so close.

"So, we'll join the strike and make out stories known as well? Sounds like a plan," Tana smirks. "I'll make sure the whole world knows what those Pure bastards did to Sebastian, what they did to us all."

Cheers cry out from the rest of the group and for once, I get a look at the huge variety of half bloods here. Some are young children, younger than ten - something that makes my stomach drop. The oldest of the group are two or three who are likely in their mid thirties. The rest range between approximately Eva's and Lucky's ages, likely all born during the war. A variety of skin tones, a whole rainbow of unique hair colours inherited from Pure parents, to think so many people could be kept in such a miserable place.

I can only imagine how Eva and Lucky must feel to know just how many of their kind have been locked away down here. After all, they could've ended up here if they were unlucky enough.

But looking at Eva right now, I don't think it bothers her anymore. Not when they'll all have their freedom in mere days.

The days leading up to the strike seem to fly by, Lucky working on her potions for Eva whilst the rest of us prepare ourselves. On the twenty third, Eva, Cas and Flynn keep to themselves for the most part. As Flynn said before, they're using this day to grieve the people and the home they lost because of the fire.

And then, as the sun begins to rise in the twenty fourth, I'm worked by a knock on the door to my room. Reluctantly, I force myself out of bed and walk over, looking down to see Eva and Cas standing in the corridor.

"Today's the day."

Nova Note:
It's time :3
Ngl, I'm kinda getting excited lolol

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