Chapter 70

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Eva's POV
I didn't think I'd be able to sneak out onto the roof this year. Maven tried to make sure I would get enough sleep for Cas' birthday, but here I am, sitting on the roof staring up at the sky, a box of fireworks next to me. It's something we've always done on birthdays, yet I think this must be one of the first that we haven't spent like this. Even my nineteenth birthday had this, as we agreed that despite mostly being apart for the year, we could meet up for birthdays and the like. But now it seems the fireworks will be something I do alone - to most of our neighbours' dismay.

"I was right!"

Before I can react to the presence of another, a ball of red fires at me, almost knocking me over as it lands in my arms.

"Cas?!" I gape as I look down at the dragon in my arms. Neither of us have grown all too much since we were kids, so just like before, I can still carry him around with ease when he's in his dragon form. "What are you-?"
"I couldn't miss out on this. I was lucky that Maven was awake, otherwise there would've been no way to get in," he replies, looking up at me. "I went in your room but you weren't there, and that's when I realised you would be here."
"I- uh-"
"Guess I startled you a bit, huh?" He grins, jumping off my lap and turning into his human form. "Sorry about that."
"No, it's okay, it's just... it's really good to see you," I laugh slightly, pulling him into another hug. "Twenty years old, you're an old man now."
"Are you sure you wanna be calling me that? Soon enough, you'll also be turning twenty. It does feel weird though, I never expected to make it this far as a kid. Even after we met, bad things just kept happening."
"I know how you feel, I mean, I literally almost died when I wasn't even fifteen. No wonder I wasn't expecting to ever reach this age. But hey, we're here now, and things are good."

"Yeah... they could be better, but I'm happy with what I've got. Even if it's hard or stressful at times and I can never wipe those horrible memories away, I've got friends and family who care about me. What's the bet that Clover's gonna freak out when she sees me?"
"Oh, definitely. I think she missed you more than I did. You might as well be another Kim at this point seeing how Clo and I both see you as a brother," I snort. "But no, you're a Carmen and I'm glad you are. Just like how I do, you've got a family who loves you."
"Okay, okay, stop getting so sappy. This happens almost every birthday, we always end up talking about something other than the fireworks and such," he laughs. "So, am I going to get my present now?"

"Someone's impatient. But... hmmm. We're meeting up with the other's later, and obviously they're all giving you presents then. I've got two presents for you, one a bit more abstract than the other. Everyone else has seen them both, so after the fireworks, I'll show you one of them."

I set up some of the fireworks and toss a set of matches Cas' way, though he looks almost confused by them. "Aren't you gonna use your magic for it?"
"Unfortunately, I am not supposed to. As you know, magic takes up energy, can make you more tired and so on. Well, I haven't slept much recently... like I've barely slept at all, so Maven and James snatched my wand and basically banned me from using magic for the time being so I can get my energy back. Obviously, I can use my magic without my wand, but they do make a good point."
"How come you've been getting so little sleep? Is it to do with that secret project you've been working on?"
"Maybe, maybe not. Now c'mon, light the fireworks!"

He chucks the matches back to me, a flame appearing at his fingertip instead. "Well if you can't do magic, I might as well do the honour." After lighting a few of the fireworks, we rush to the other side of the roof just as they begin to shoot into the sky. "Woah!"
"Stole the best ones I could find," I smirk as we stare up at them. "Pretty impressive, right?"
"Duh! They're incredible."

We set off a few more, mess around with sparklers for a bit - all without the neighbours screaming at us like they did last year - and soon I'm sliding back into my room to grab my notebook. I stare down at it for a moment, the somehow already old and worn down thing, and sigh. I really hope that all this will be worth it.

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