Chapter 63

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Cassie's POV
After getting changed and such, I meet Eva and Cas on the balcony of their room. This might be the only moment of peace we have today and it seems like the two are doing their best to cherish it: staring up at the sunrise with a blanket wrapped around them for warmth. "Change is finally coming," Eva chuckles slightly as I sit down beside them. "I was so excited, so scared, that it took forever to get to sleep last night. Lucky for me, I knew that was going to happen and got into bed super early so I could still have a full night's sleep."
"That was smart of you, I mean, you especially need all the energy you can get," I reply. "I still can't believe this is happening. Oh, I forgot to ask, what did your mum say about all this?"
"She and Sammy are gonna help out with the strike. They helped Lizzy with handing out the newspapers and they should be on their way here to help with the half bloods."
"I wonder if this will work. What if no one goes on strike?" I ask.

"Eva's already done all that worrying. Updates from Alice show that we won't have to worry about that, whispers spread around quickly it seems. And yet no Pures seem to know what's about to happen," Cas says. "It seems the unspoken agreement between the Impures is to gather at the square right in front of the palace."
"Well that's going to be an interesting sight," Hunter smirks as he walks over with Flynn. "And with the half bloods and their super strong magic, I don't think we really have to worry about Pures getting pissed and hurting anyone. I don't think they'll have the chance."
"So Eva, is it just going to be you and Cas who go up against the queen? Is that a good idea?"
"Well Flynn, it'll definitely be that way at first. But if you have the chance, you're welcome to join us. I understand that you have to help the half bloods before you can even think to do that, though."

"I don't think we'll have to worry too much about you two," Lucky says when she arrives. "Here you go, I made a few spares in case any of the vials break, but you can only drink three of those potions. Anymore than that, and you'll basically face an artificial outburst."
"Got it," Eva nods. "Oh, look down there!"

She rushes over to the edge of the balcony, staring down at the grass below where Alice and Sammy stand. "I'll go let them in," Flynn says. "You make sure you've got everything you need Eva."
"I will. I won't allow myself to screw this up."

Cas helps make sure Eva has her wand, the potions and a handful of other things that they could use in a fight (including a spare wand that Eva found lying around) and soon, Sammy and Alice arrive with Flynn.

"Mum!" Eva rushes over immediately, smiling widely as Alice holds her closely.
"You'll be out of this horrible place soon," she replies. "And you'll be safe... just be careful, alright? Both you and Cas."
"Of course we will. Plus, once we summon the nightmare, dad will be there to help. He'll make sure I don't do anything too reckless."
"I'm sure he will, I'm glad that you two are getting along again."
"So am I."

"As are the rest of us. Eva being down in the dumps is a strange thing, I don't like it," Hunter laughs slightly. "Now, you two have someone important to go see, don't you?"
"Right... wish us luck."

"Good luck..."

Eva and Cas leave the room, muttering to each other to help themselves calm down. I can't help but sigh as the door shuts behind them, I really hope they'll be okay.

"Well then, we have some important things to go sort out ourselves."

Eva's POV
The moment we begin to head to the palace, I notice cheering and shouting. Impures are already beginning to gather in front of the palace, it's somewhat outstanding to hear how excited and loud they all are. "It's amazing," Cas mumbles. "Somehow, despite there being so many Impures, Pures still managed to oppress them. Why is that?"
"Pures have the power to do what they want. Impures can still use magic - sure - but not many do and even when they do, they aren't usually all that strong," I sigh. "Now c'mon, we can't afford to dawdle."

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