Chapter 44

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Eva's POV
As I sit on my bed, reading through one of the newspapers about the Impure rebels someone knocks on the door, and Cas glances at me with a confused look on his face. We did all agree that we'd leave each other to rest for the time being, I wonder who it is. "Come in," I say, folding the newspaper shut and placing it beside me on the bed. When the door opens, the one who stands there is none of the people I was expecting it to be, in fact, I didn't even consider the possibility of it being her in the slightest. I didn't even know she knew we were all here.

"Rose..." I blink, not quite believing my eyes.
"It's been a while since we last spoke, hasn't it? I... I had something I wanted to ask you, so, can we talk?" She replies, stepping inside.
"Of course, take a seat, you might as well make yourself comfortable," I reply as Cas settles down beside me. She does as I suggest, grabbing the chair by the desk and pulling it closer to the bed. "Now, what is it you wanna ask?"

"I'm sorry if this is a sensitive topic, but I have to ask about that rebel girl, the one who... who died. I was shown pictures of her, and something about her seemed familiar, do you know her name?" She asks. She's asking about Ada. But why would she recognise her? Ada's an Impure, Rose is Pure, the chances of their paths ever crossing are little to none.
"Her name is Ada Sanos. She was very close with two of the friends who are with me now. I don't think you would know her though-"
"That's it. Ada, of course..."
"You do know her?!"

"I- Uh- it's a long story..." she sighs.
"Well," I say with a smirk. "I do like my stories. Though don't make it too long, I might get distracted."

She lets out a slight laugh as she rolls her eyes, though I remain persistent, refusing to let her laugh off my remark in such a way. "Go on then,"
I grin, crossing my legs. "I'm curious."
"I don't know if I should, it could get me in trouble. Especially if Caleb's mother found out."
"As if I'm gonna snitch. What is said will stay between the three of us, I swear I won't tell a soul, same goes for Cas, right?"
"Mhmm. You're acting like the two of us aren't good at keeping secrets," he replies.

"Fine... I guess I'll tell you a shortened version. I, I have a daughter," she breathes.
"During the war, I too ran away from home, much like your father did. I had a daughter and... for the first nine years of her life I helped raise her. And she was friends with Ada."
"Was she a half blood then, your daughter, I mean?" Cas asks.
"You'd expect that, wouldn't you? But no... her father was strange, he came from some place abroad where Pures and Impures... apparently they weren't really a thing. There would be some red and white blooded people, but no one really called them that. Instead, most people had black blood, and were almost identical to Pures. One of the strangest parts about them was their lack of knowledge about magic, I always thought it was a well known practice," she explains. "But my daughter, she took after him, she kept his black blood."

"That's so weird though... to think there's another type of blood. It doesn't make sense," I breathe.
"No, it doesn't. But I suppose the country of Lenox, boarded off from the rest of the world by the sea, wouldn't make sense to a foreigner. In any other country, your blood wouldn't be considered a crime," she sighs. "But anyway, I managed to help raise her with no trouble until the war ended. That's when I had to come back here. Though I still visited the two, even conjured up a potion to keep their blood red in order to protect them. To my daughter, I was a mother who had to travel for work, that's all she knew me as. But a bit before you came along, I got worried about my safety, and had her father tell her I died in an accident whilst travelling."

"And you haven't seen her since..." Cas murmurs. "That must feel so horrible."
"Yes, but I suppose it was worse for her. To lose someone close to you at such a young age can destroy someone's life. I suppose you would understand that feeling Eva."

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