Chapter 64

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Cas' POV
"Stand back, okay Cas?" She says.
"Eva, what are you-?"
"It's okay, I'll be okay. Just want to make sure you don't get hurt. Alright?" After a moment, I step back, continuing to walk back until my back hits the door. Nodding, she smiles softly as she glances at me before turning to the queen. Her expression goes cold and stern as the two stare each other down. "Your reign over this kingdom has come to an end. I won't let you get away with hurting people like me anymore!"
"How cute, she thinks she can defeat me. Where's all this sudden confidence coming from?" The queen smirks.
"Oh, I don't think I can defeat you. I know I can."

A blaring heat suddenly fills the room, the vibrant pink flames that fire from Eva's wand almost too bright to look at and the heat almost too much to bear even from this distant. Gritting her teeth, Eva focuses on her wand as the flames fill the room, almost engulfing her and the queen. "Eva!" I call, but I don't get any form of response. After a moment, all I can focus on is the screams of the queen as the flames do their work. For a brief moment, I get a glimpse past them and watch as the queen slowly holds her hand out in front of her, a slight grin that looks more like a grimace on her face. "Eva look out!"

Her flames suddenly extinguish as she stares wide eyed at the queen. "You've won, Eva Kim," the queen speaks as she begins to fade away. "But at what cost?" Wincing slightly, Eva glances down, eyes widening when she sees the spike of stone sticking up from the floor, and right into her stomach. As the queen disappears for good, the spike retreats back to the ground and Eva collapses the floor with a thud. I rush over instantly, my stomach dropping when I see all the blood. Not just from the wound on her stomach, but burns from her flames cover her, some much worse than others.

"Shit... fuck..." she forces out as I examine the wound. "Ah-"
"S-sorry. We have to get you help, we have to, we-" Tears begin streaming down my face before I can even realise it. I'm just about fighting back sobs when Eva grabs onto my hand with all her might. "Eva..."
"It's okay, it's okay... it just hurts a bunch. But... I'm really glad she didn't hurt you." She smiles softly despite the tears sticking to her cheeks.
"Now isn't the time to worry about me Eva! I'm fine, I'm barely hurt, just focus on yourself, alright? Your dad should be here soon with some back up, can you hold out until then?"

"Maybe..." Suddenly, she coughs loudly, blood splattering onto her hand. "That's not good."
"It's not but- it's gonna be okay. We'll get you help, we'll make sure you live. You promised Maven you'd be home for your birthday, you promised Flynn that you wouldn't die, you told your mum you'd be careful, you can't just break all these promises! You've gotta hold on." Just as I speak, her grip on my hand begins to loosen. Choking out a sob, I squeeze her hand as tight as I can, hoping that maybe - if I don't let go - she'll stick around for longer. Her face grows paler and paler as the seconds past, her eyelids just moments away from falling shut.

"I'm sorry..." she mumbles with a wince. "I just wanted everything to change, I just wanted to feel safe and not have to worry about people like the queen or any other of those Pure bastards. I didn't think that something like this would happen - no... I hoped this wouldn't happen, but I knew there was a chance. I... I just want to go home, I never wanted to leave home, I just... I just wanted to live a normal life.

"I just want to go home..."

"Eva... as long as we're together, you are home. I'll stay by your side, I'm here, you don't have to worry."

"You're... you're here..." Gradually, her eyes begin to close, her grip on my hand fading completely. As she lies there, almost entirely unmoving, a slight smile forms on her pale face.
"Eva? Eva! No you can't go, not yet! You promised, you- Eva... fuck!"

As I pull her into a hug, her pink blood staining my clothes, I can't stop the sobs from taking over. Soon it feels like I'm drowning in my own tears as I try to call out for help.

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