Chapter 56

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Cas' POV
When Eva has finally fallen asleep, I quietly make my way across the room, grabbing her communicator from beside her pillow and crossing my fingers in hope she doesn't wake up. As I glance down at it, I decide to stand outside in the corridor to ensure she stays asleep whilst I do this. After a bit of searching, I find Alice amongst the many other names saved to the communicator. I know Eva wouldn't want me to, she'd be more than just pissed if she found out, but I think it would do good for Alice to know what happened between her and Caleb.

It seemed like such a sudden shift. I understand he was stressed and angry, but I was so startled by what he said that I almost darted over to Eva in an instant. Even if he didn't mean it, it seemed too harsh, too cold. No wonder Eva is so bothered by it.

"Oh, Eva, already calling I see," Alice laughs.
"Um, not Eva, she's asleep, I just needed to tell you about something that happened when we got back to the palace earlier today," I whisper, leaning against the door. "Is that okay?"
"Of course. Did something bad happen?"
"Sorta... Eva and Caleb got into a fight. At first it seemed like something they'd get over in a day or so, but then Caleb stupidly implied that Eva was difficult to care about, and that has really affected her," I sigh. "She doesn't know I'm telling you this, she wouldn't want me to that's for sure."
"He really said that?"
"Well... yeah. He looked like he regretted it, but he hasn't come to apologise yet and I'm worried that he won't."
"Thank you for telling me, Cas. And just make sure to keep an eye on her for me."
"Of course. I should probably be going in case she wakes up."
"Sounds like a plan, goodnight Cas."

When I step back into the room, Eva is sat up on the bed, head lent against the wall as she stares down at her wrists. "Eva, I-"
"Don't worry. It's no big deal if mum finds out the truth. I was just worried Cassie might tell the others, which is why I was so vague earlier," she replies with a slight shrug. "God, I'm tired."
"Sounds like the usual with you," I laugh a little, sitting down opposite her on the bed. "Struggling to sleep?"
"Like always. I don't know how you do it."
"Honestly, neither do I... do you wanna talk about what your dad said? I understand why you wouldn't want to tell Cassie, but I was there when it happened, you can tell me if you want."

"I... I guess it just bugs me. On the one hand, part of me thought all along that maybe he didn't care about me. I mean, that wouldn't be much of a surprise, I'm his bastard, half blood daughter, I'm lucky mum cares for me as much as she does. But if that is the case, if he doesn't actually care about me, then it pisses me off because it makes me feel like a fool," she hisses. "And then on the other hand, if what he said was just from a fit of rage, then why hasn't he apologised yet? I know I told him to leave me alone, but it's not like I expected him to listen."

"Well... if you ask me, I don't think he meant it. I obviously can't read minds, but that's just what I believe. If anything, he just wants to give you some space before he apologises," I reply.
"Maybe... that would be the best case scenario. Since when were you the optimist out of the two of us?" She laughs. "But I dunno, guess I'm also still a little nervous about the whole queen thing. If I was on her bad side before, I don't even want to know what I'm on now."
"Oh yeah... she really was pissed earlier, wasn't she? I'd say she deserves it, I mean, I don't know what she said to Cassie but it clearly upset her. But I get why you're nervous, she hasn't been afraid of hurting you in the past."

"And that's the worst part of it all. But for now, I'll continue to help out Lizzy, I'll focus on my research and I'll just do my best to avoid her, even if it means waiting longer for dad's apology."
"You think that will work?" I ask.
"I don't really have any other choice. I'll just make sure Flynn sticks with us or something, I dunno..."

Sighing, she flops onto her bed, staring up at the ceiling with tired eyes. "Whilst we're at it, do you need to vent at all? I've been too busy worrying about myself to ask, so I'll ask now."

"Well, I miss home, that's for sure... and I'm gonna miss Charlie seeing that Maven did choose to go back with James. I'm not angry about it, James does seem really nice, but it's a change that I'm going to have to get used to. And then there's everything else," I explain. "The nightmares I've been getting, the everlasting fear of the queen, and all these changes being thrown at me. I liked it when it was you, me Maven and Charlie, it was what I was used to, it was the happiest I had ever been. But things are weird now - I'm glad I've gotten to meet so many wonderful people, I'm glad you're back with your mum, but it feels so strange. It's almost overwhelming."

"It's definitely overwhelming," she laughs a little. "But I get what you mean. This change is good, the path we're heading down is good, but in the moment whilst it's all happening, it hardly feels that way. But... all this will pass soon, and we can finally live a slightly more normal life."
"To think, we're both so close to reaching something we've dreamed of our whole lives. It's unbelievable."
"It really is... I don't think I've ever been so constantly exhausted, I'm gonna sleep for a whole week after this. Speaking of sleep, you look pretty tired too, we should probably get some rest."
"Oh right. Got any plans for tomorrow?" I ask, walking over to my bed.

"Research, research, research and a little more research. That and Lizzy wants to ask me some stuff about Surrek and the palace, I really wish I didn't have to tell her of all people such personal stuff," she grunts. "I know I agreed to have my story be told, but it feels iffy talking about it with someone I don't necessarily get along with."
"Why is that? I think she's quite nice, so do the others. I get you kinda made a bad first impression, but first impressions aren't usually a huge deal for you."

"I made an even worse first impression than you might think. We actually met during my first time at the palace and well... it's kinda embarrassing. She probably thinks I'm weak and pathetic because of that, so combine two poor first impressions and it makes it hard to get along with her."

"How did you meet?"

"Too embarrassing," she mumbles, pulling the duvet over her head. "Plus, we really should be going to sleep, mum would kill me if she knew I was up this late."

Although I find myself getting curious about their first meeting, I also find myself getting even more exhausted and I have to agree with Eva. I'm not sure what time it is exactly, but it's pitch dark outside and the house has been pretty much silent for a while now - it must be late.

Soon enough, I begin to drift off, turning into my dragon form at some point without even realising it.

"Eva... as long as we're together, you are home."

When I wake up, it's following a strange dream, one I can hardly remember but sent my jolting awake regardless. It didn't feel like a nightmare, it didn't have that same horrible feeling, but it was enough to wake me regardless.

I remain lying down for a little longer, Eva gradually beginning to wake up as well, yawning loudly every few seconds.

This is gonna be a long couple of days.

Nova Note:
I'm really tired

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