Chapter 25

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Cassie's POV
"The only known way to get into the prison is through the palace," Lucky says, showing us a map of the building. "Luckily," she continues with a slight smirk, "we've gotten in there before. And we will successfully infiltrate again. We just... have to make sure we don't get caught."
"Of course," I nod. "But if we do... we can only hope Eva's father has some mercy towards us."
"We won't have to worry about that though, cause we won't get caught," Hunter argues.

"He's right. So, here's the plan: the three of us will infiltrate, the smaller the group the better, we don't want to be seen. As I said earlier, the way in through the palace is the only known way in, but from what we've gathered, there is another way as well. That's how we'll get them out."
"What if there isn't another way?" I ask.
"Then we'll make one," from her bag, Lucky pulls out a stick of dynamite. "We'll just have to make sure no one gets hurt. But even then, a slight injury or two will all be worth it in the end."

I've never seen Lucky this fires up before though in no way should I be surprised. She told Hunter and I a bit about her past, mentioned how her friends - other half bloods - were taken away. She believed them dead at first but now, now there's hope for them. She wants to save them, and every other person with that same pink blood.

We are lucky that Eva hasn't found out yet, otherwise I know for certain she'd be back here already. The thing is, as helpful as she and Cas and Flynn may be, Eva and Cas have some awful memories associated with the palace. During only a few days there, they saw two people die, one of them being someone Eva had known for so long. Plus, she'd be in so much more trouble than the rest of us if she got caught.

Suddenly, my communicator begins vibrating on the desk, and though I ignore it at first, trying to focus on the task at hand, it seems to get louder by the second. Sighing, Hunter snatches it from the table and picks up the call, immediately placing it back down as he says, "What do you want Eva? It's pretty late, I don't know who would want to talk to you at such a time."
"Okay, that's just rude. I wasn't even calling to talk to you, I wanted to talk to Cassie," Eva replies.
"Well go on then, she can hear this, y'know."
"I want to speak to just Cassie. If that's alright..."
"Sure," I say, picking up the communicator. "I'll be back in a sec guys."

I step outside of the room and tell Eva she can start talking. When I do, she lets out a large sigh of relief before quieting her voice to more of a whisper.
"Y'know, it's weird, you're the only one I really feel like I can talk to about this. It's even awkward with Cas, but for some reason I'm not scared to talk about it with you. Maybe it's because I've spoken to you about this before..." she mumbles. "So we're in a town called Alandra. It's where... Isabel Kim lives. I didn't tell you before, but we did visit her, and it didn't go entirely according to plan. But anyway, after that, we encountered this girl who claimed to be a half blood. And, we saw her again today. And I have a name for her now, Tana Ayres, well that's the one that you'd recognise."
"Ayres? Like Sebastian?"
"Mhmm, turns out she's his twin sister. And suddenly I just feel really awful, she must've been separated from him at a young age, five or six at the oldest, and because I let him die, she never got the chance to see him again."
"It's not your fault he died. You told me yourself, he committed suicide," I say softly, noticing the almost pained tone of her voice.
"But it is! If I didn't leave the palace, he would have no reason to have done that."

"And if you didn't leave the palace, what do you think would've happened to you and Cas?"

No response.

"The Silence was horrible, it was slowly breaking you and tearing you down. You both did what you had to in the end... and it seems either way someone would've died. And it hate to make it seem like I'm happy he died, but... I'm glad you and Cas made it out. We all are, even Hunter, though he'll continue to deny it."

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