Chapter 7

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"Kirby slow down!" Maya whisper-shouted to him, as he went ahead. Axel jogged from behind them, Ray at his side. Maya caught up to him, hitting the back of his head. "Ow!" He hissed through his teeth.

Ray leaned more towards Axel, "Something is different between them, they haven't pranked each other once since you and Kirby got here." She pointed out. Axel glanced at the two ahead and looked over to Ray, "true." he stated, " they seem to be happy with each other."

Ray shrugged as she jogged, "Maybe they decided to be closer friends? I don't know, but Adrain did spill out her crush on him like that." Axel nodded in agreement, as the memory played through his memory bank.

He felt it as a flashback.

"Well, you have the biggest crush on Kirby!" Adrian snapped back, soon realizing what he just said. As soon as they heard that, the rest of the teens stopped fighting to watch the action. Maya immediately turned as red as a tomato and ran off. "Maya wait!" Kirby yelled and after her.

Adrian sighed and felt really bad. Reese ran up to him. "You have to find a way to make it up to her." Adrian puts his head in his hands. "Yeah, I do." Adrian had mumbled.

Axel was just with Kirby when that had happened, right before he left to comfort Maya. He shook his head and looked to Ray, "I don't know, but we should carry through with the mission first."

Ray agreed. They then ran a bit faster, getting to the same paste as the others. Soon they made it to the southern entrance, which Lloyd told them to go to. The four of them peard through the barrier of the base. Maya narrowed her eyes, gazing across, "Ok, I got a really good question." she whispered.

"What?" Ray asked. Maya drummed her fingers along the railing, looking to her cousin, " What are we doing?" Ray's head went back as she groaned. Kirby shrugged, "No clue."

Axel rolled his eyes, "We have to get the captives to safety, first of all, sneaking in without being spotted by the enemy." Maya and Kirby's blue eyes lit up, "Oh! We can do that!" Kirbyb smiled.

The two of them then exchanged a look, "Wait here for us, we will get you once we deal with stoney and stoner here." Maya said, grabbing his arm, pulling them away from sight.

After a couple minutes, Ray looked to Axel, "What do you think that they are going to do?" she asked. Axel shrugged, "I don't know, but knowing them, it will end up in an explosion."

"Pfft." Ray giggled, "Even they know not to be that stupid."


"They are that stupid!" Her eyes widened. They got to their feet, and started to run in the direction the two had gone before them. The master of Earth and Lighting stood at the entrance, with knocked out stone warriors at their feet, dust blowing by them.

Axel put his hands together, looking as if he were praying, and placed his fingers between his eyes, "What part of without being spotted do you not understand?!" he asked. Kirby held his hands up in defense, "Hey, you guys left us alone."

"Well it was stupid." Ray spat out. "At least we got the door down." Maya pointed to a blown down door that led inside the Overlord's base. The four of them rushed in, checking to see if they had been spotted after all.

They saw no warriors waiting, so they went farther, searching for any captives. They snuck behind some boxes and garbage, when they noticed a couple warriors walking by. "Why would the Overlord need captives?" Maya asked. "Well, my dad said that my grandma and grandpa were taken by Acronix and Cruxs 'cuz they knew how to build their time traveling device called the Iron Doom. Maybe the Overlord needed some builders and engineers to make him things." Ray suggested.

Axel gasped, "They might have Cyrus Borg!" He whispered-shouted. That made the group more anxious. Cyrus Borg was a master at all that he could make! He might be forced to make a weapon for the Overlord.

When the warriors passed, they got to their feet and dashed off, looking for captives once again. They went down a hallway, blending into the shadows. "Ow!" Maya hissed, bumping into something.

"Hello?" a new voice spoke. Ray lit her hand on fire, holding it in front of them, to be shown a cage with people in it, being forced to work. "Who are you?" a guy asked them. "We are ninja!" Maya explained, "Isn't it obvious? I mean look, we are in gi and Ray here has her hand on fire!"

"More like wanna be ninja." Someone mumbled from the crowd. Maya looked mad, but Ray had her hold it in. "we are here to rescue you." Kirby said, grabbing a rock from his pocket, melting it in his hand, making the shape of a key. He stuck it in the lock, making it fit. He jiggled it around until it opened.

One of the workers gasped, "We are saved!" Axel held a finger to his mouth, "Sh! We have to be quiet as we get out of here." He instructed. Ray stood at the crack of the cage door, signaling for everyone to exit. Everyone left the workplace, haing Kirby lead them out. Axel stayed behind with Ray as Maya went with Kirby. Once the last person was out, Ray shook her hand, causing the fire to disappear into thin air.

"We are pretty good at this ninja thing." She smiled. Axel smiled at his friend as well.

"AHH!" A screech was heard. Axel and Ray both gave an annoyed parent-like look to each other. Axel sighed, "Let's go see what Maya and Kirby have done this time."

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