Chapter 15

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Jade brushed the bleach blonde hair from her face, trying not to let it stick to her skin from the sweat. She took a couple deep breaths, focusing on the mountain in front of her. "Tired?" a failure voice asked. She knew who it was, the second she heard him speak.

"You wish, i'm just getting started!" she grinned, "but why did we have to do this on the hottest day of the year?" she groaned. Garmadon grumbled, "who cares, but move the mountain." He instructed.

"That's what I have been trying to do!" Jade snapped back at him. He rolled his eyes, "Try fixing your stance, and concentrate a bit harder." he suggested. Jade replied with a mumbled, too muffled to hear what she would have said. She then did as she was told. She closed her eyes, concentrating as hard as she could, holding her hand out. I will move the mountain. She thought to herself.

She then snapped her eyes open, glowing bright red. The ground started to quake, rocks started falling, earth started rumbling. The mountain moved. It was now higher, in a different form than before.

Jade pumped her fist down, by her chest, "Yes!" she cheered. "Take that mountain!" she said. Garmadon smirked, " You learn faster than your father did." he pointed out. Jade grinned, "When can I use my golden power?" she asked.

"When you reach your full potential, but you have to do it before it's time to give the Overlord the power." Her grin fell into an emotionless face. She didn't want to lose this power, she could picture herself using it in battle. She couldt wait. "Yeah, whatever." she shrugged, getting back to her training.


Adrian laid sprawled out on his bed. If he would've told Jade to stop listening to the call a couple weeks ago they never would've been out into the Overlord situation. They would be training, and wouldn't know what they were training for. Jade probably would never have been turned evil, and Maya and Kirby wouldn't have almost died.

"Can I come in?" a voice asks through the door. "Correction, may we?" Adrian got up and opened the door to his father, Jay, standing alongside Cole. "We need to have a talk."

Adrian raised his eyebrow. "About what?" Cole and Jay exchange looks, as if they were talking through each other's minds. "Close the door, soundproof and make sure nobody comes on this level." Cole commands. The 3 ninja barricade the door. "Are we under attack? It sounds like you're about to murder someone. Wait a minute, you aren't gonna give me 'The Talk' are you?" Adrian asked, nervous.

"Not exactly." Jay says sitting down on his bed, Cole following not long after. "We have some questions about Kaya." Adrian froze. He could not tell his dad about Maya and Kirby's relationship, or Maya would kill him. "Sorry, no can do." he replied, a smirk on his face. Jay and Cole exchanged looks.

Jay held up a $100 bill. "How about for every question you answer, you get one of these." Adrian smiles, "Where do we start?"

"When did this Kaya thing start?"

"When we were fighting and I yelled that Maya liked Kirby."


"Was this Amusement Park date the first one they've ever had?"



"Have they ever kissed?"

"I walked in when they were just about to, and they seemed pretty embarrassed so I assumed that was their first one."


"Do you know for sure that they like each other?"

"Yep, Maya gave it away when I tuned in on their girl talk, and I also overheard their conversation at training."

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