Chapter 4

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Dianna had much more training then the rest of the teens, and she succeeded at every training station there was. The rest of the teens had their struggles of being too weak or not paying close attention. By the end of the day everyone was exhausted. The adults got out chips, soda and sandwiches for dinner. Kirby and Maya sat in the monastery while talking, while Ray, Jade, Axel, and Adrian sat on the dirt.

Reese spotted Dianna with her feet dangling off the cliff, staring into the horizon. "May I join you?" he asked and she just nodded.

"Sorry I don't talk a lot." she mumbled. "I never really have anybody to talk to."

Reese just stared into the horizon when she spoke again. "I'm so secretive because nobody quite knows who my parents are, unlike you guys. I don't have friends so I don't give it away." 

"It's hard trying to be two people at once, I know. The one in public who's normal and the person with elemental powers."

Dianna looks at Reese and smiles. "Exactly." And with that they finished their dinner.


"Today we will try hand to hand combat." Lloyd called out to the group of teens, huddled around him. "We will pair you into groups of two, but first we are going to have a quick demonstration by Cole and Jay."

Kirby and Maya eyed each other, holding back all laughter that they possibly could. Nya came up from behind Lloyd and placed her hand on his shoulder, "are you sure that is a great idea?" she asked. Lloyd looked to her, "It should be fine, they haven't had one of their fights in years." he pointed out.

Nya went along, still nervous, and had everyone move out of the way while the best friends had their duel. They eyed each other for a little before running straight at the other. Cole threw him a punch, yet Jay blocked it. The former blue ninja then ducked out of the way of the king's shot and used his legs to trip him.

Jay snorted, "sorry your highness." he then burst into laughter. Cole grumbled and got to his feet, running up to him. He then jumped on him, causing both of them to fall over, rolling around.

Reese winched back, letting a hissing sound pass through his teeth. Soon the short friendly duel turned into a remix of both of them slapping the other, yelling things like, " How do you like that mud slug!" "Shut it Zap Trap!"

Reese turned to his friends to see everyone giving them odd, and embarrassing looks. Maya raised an eyebrow and looked at her mother, "did this used to happen a lot?" she asked. Nya didn't answer, instead she started calling out to her husband, "Jay! I think you have given the kids a good enough example!"

The two former ninja pulled apart, just giving each other death stares. "I win!" Jay said. "No! I did!" Cole argued. No one wanted to deal with this. Nya walked up to the grown men acting like children and grabbed both of them by the ear, dragging them away, probably to give them a lecture.

"Ok," Lloyd started awkwardly, "so basically, don't do that." she shook his head, "now pair up! Also Maya, Adrian and Kirby." he looked to the three, "don't act like your dad, please." he begged. Maya and Kirby snorted, holding in their laugher, "sure sensei greenman." Maya said. Lloyd narrowed his eyes at the mini Jay, "and stop calling me that!"

Reese looked over to Dianna who was fixing the socks in her shoes, "hey, do you wanna pair with me?" he asked, later realizing how cheezy he sounded.

"Sure." she said. Soon everybody had groups. The groups were Reese and Dianna, Jade and Ray, Adrian and Axel, and Maya and Kirby.

"First up, Reese and Dianna!" Ray smirked as Lloyd announced their group. She couldn't wait to embarrass her brother soon. "Go!" Lloyd yelled. Immediately Dianna grabbed Reese's arm and twisted it, flipping him over. He groaned, and Dianna did a kip-up.

"Well done Dianna." Lloyd congratulated. Dianna held her hand out to help Reese up, and Reese grabbed it and flipped her onto her back. "Element of surprise, I like it." Dianna said. Reese blushed and walked out of the way so Jade and Ray could go.

Ray immediately punched Jade in the gut but she stood straight. "I'm sorry your greeness." Ray commented sarcastically. Jade rolled her eyes and tripped Ray as she ran at her, Ray taking Jade down while she fell. Ray put her arm out and held Jade down, and Jade flipped over and pinned Ray.

"That took a while." Reese said as Ray returned to the line. "Oh shut it." she snapped. Adrian and Axel stepped up. As soon as Lloyd said go Adrian shot out a punch, but Axel dodged it. Axel pins down Adrian and they go back into the line.

"Last up, Maya and Kirby." Cole and Jay were just returning, eyeing Nya as she smirked. "Go!"

Both Maya and Kirby threw kicks and punches but dodged each one. Kirby finally lands a block so hard that Maya stumbles back, but doesn't fall. "Was that fun Sparky?" Kirby teased. Maya smirked, "oh you wish mud slug." she joked.

"Maya, Kirby, let's stop now." Nya told them, bushe was soon pushed out of the way by Axel. "Don't call him that!" he yelled. Then Ray pushed Axel aside. "Then don't call her sparky!" she snapped.

Meanwhile the adults were having a conversation.

"Why are our kids like this?" Lloyd complained. "His kid started it!" Jay and Cole said at the same time, pointing at each other. "Quit it you two!" Nya yelled, spraying water in both of their faces.

"No you did not." Cole mumbled. "Oh yes I did." she smirked. Jay and Cole both went after Nya, but Kai shot fire at both of them. "Need a little water to cool down that burn?" Nya yelled as she shot more water at them.

But it froze as Zane joined the fight. "Not on my watch." he said. Soon the adults had two teams. Nya, Kai, Tox, and Lloyd and the other team were Cole, Jay, Zane and Griffin.

During that the teens had also split into 2 teams, boy and girls. "Fire against fire huh." Ray said. "I guess so." Reese replied as he shot flames towards her. She gathered them and shot them back at him and it kept going back and forth.

Adrian and Kirby were fighting Jade and Maya. "You need a drink?" Adrian asked as he shot water towards Maya. Jade made a small force field so it bounced back, and Maya added some lightning so Adrian got a little shock. "How do you like that lily pad?" Maya teased.

"Well, you have the biggest crush on Kirby!" Adrian snapped back, soon realizing what he just said. As soon as they heard that, the rest of the teens stopped fighting to watch the action. Maya immediately turned as red as a tomato and ran off. "Maya wait!" Kirby yelled and after her.

Adrian sighed and felt really bad. Reese ran up to him. "You have to find a way to make it up to her." Adrian puts his head in his hands. "Yeah, I do."

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