Chapter 24

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Dianna stomped through the halls and through her door, which she slammed shut and locked. "It's all about Jade now, isn't it?" she muttered to herself, "Dianna doesn't matter because Jade is more important to Reese." She threw her pillow out the window, and laid against the wall, sinking to her knees. "I shouldn't have trusted him."

Somebody knocked on her door, but she didn't really care who it was. Even if it was Reese she felt as if he should feel what she's feeling. Pain. "Dianna, please let me in. I need to explain!" Dianna ignored Reese. She tried not to make any noise so he would leave, but Reese just kept knocking on the door.

Eventually the knocking stopped and Dianna could hear Reese walk away. She buried her face into her hands and allowed herself to cry. Suddenly she heard a sound, like a very out of tune ukulele.

She opened the doors to her balcony and peered down at the story below her, where Reese was staring back up at her, holding a ukulele. "WE WERE BOTH YOUNG WHEN I FIRST SAW YOU I CLOSE MY EYES AND THE FLASHBACK STARTS I'M STANDIN' THERE!"

Dianna couldn't help but laugh at her idiot boyfriend. "Okay, first of all your voice sounds like a dying cow!" Reese then started to laugh. " I know, Ray used to tell me that all the time." Dianna took a minute to catch her breath, "okay Reese, what do you want? I'm guessing you need to get back to Jade." She said in a tone.

Reese sighed, "Look Di, I do love Jade, but as a friend or sister. But I love you as my girlfriend. Jade is having a really hard time right now so I'm trying to help her," he explained, "I am the only one she feels most comfortable with."

Dianna sighed as well, "I know it's just you are always with her. We never have any time just us." Reese nodded, " I know, once we get the Overlord off our trail and Jade back to normal we can have all the time to ourselves."

" off our trail? Do you mean once he is defeated?" She questioned his choice of words. Reese but his lip, "ye...yeah, that's what I meant." She seemed skeptical of his response, but did not think much of it. He then sat down his ukulele, and sighed, "How about you cuddle with Sage," he looked over at the dog that they had recently brought home. She was resting on the master of speed's bed, her head perked up when she heard her name. Dianna looked from her dog to her boyfriend, "Where are you going."

Reese bit his lip, "uh, to see Jade.Like I said she isn't doing too good, the red part of her is showing more than the green and she trusts me the most." he explained. Dianna smiled and nodded," I get it, go and help her. We can go on a date later." she pecked his cheek. Reese's face slightly flushed pink, "Okay,"


Reese waved, "I will see you later." He walked out the door and headed back to Jade's room, which was now cleared of everyone. On his way he had bumped into Akita, "oh- sorry." He apologized.

"'Tis fine. Are you on your way to see Jade?" She questioned. Reese nodded, "yes.. do you wanna come to talk to her with me?" He asked. She nodded, "yes, I have something I'm meaning to tell her."

The two of them then headed to her room. Soon opening the door, they interrupted Jade trying to cut her cuffs open with a blade. She looked over, her eyes bright red. She tossed the blade away, " can I help you?" She asked in a mad tone. "Akita wants to talk to you." Reese informed her, walking up to the short girl. He picked up the blade, "explain this later." He said, sitting it on her bedside table.

She grumbled and looked at her mother, "yes?" "I'm here to help you discover your animal self." She said. Jade rolled her eyes, "and what If I don't wanna find my animal self?"

" it's a part of you, you gotta find out at some point." The wolf girl pointed out. Jade leaned all the way back, flopping on her back, "what ever."

" I'm taking you to my home in a few days, you are the age to discover it, you don't have a choice." Akita argued back. Jade turned on her side, facing away from her mom, "what ever." And with that, Akita had left.

Reese then looked at the blade and the cuffs, " you can't cut through those... you know that." "Well I had to try!" She turned to her other side. Reese side, "so you are going?" he questioned. "I don't really care, it's up to my dad I guess. Unless I disappear again." she chuckled, insanely. Reese didn't respond at all.

"Anyways, what brings you here?' she asked, looking back at the master of amber. "I uh... came to check up on you." he explained. Jade sat up, "okay then, let's do something. Wanna go on one of our walks?" she asked.

Reese shook his head, "no, your eyes are mainly red, we can't do that now." Jade groaned, "so we can not do anything if my eyes are red?" she asked, " how boring." she back flopped again. "Sorry." Reese mumbled.

Just then, Ray opened the door, "Hey Reese, Lloyd wanted me to tell you that the schools are opening back up, we go back tomorrow, so be ready." Jade got back up and looked at the new master of fire, "and what about me?" Moments of silence passed between the three before: "What? Coming!" she looked to the hallway and dashed out. Jade held a hand to her heart, "The love I get."

"If you really wanna go back I could talk to Lloyd for you, but I think it's best you stay here." Reese suggested. "And why is that?" Jade raised an eyebrow. "Well, you are kinda evil, you might get bullied." he pointed out. "So? I'm the most powerful being in Ninjago! Even with cuffs I can still fight." she said, jumping up, heading to her door, "i'm going, and i'm going to own that school." she took one last glance at him, her eyes shining bright red, before turning back, walking out the door.

This will be interesting. 

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