Chapter 25

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Reese was not excited for today, why you may ask, well school's were finally reopening. Most people were happy to go back, key word most. Not Reese. He walked over to Jade's room and rapped his knuckles on the wood door, "Hey Jade, about to leave, ready to go? " He questioned, walking into the room.

"Ready," Jade said, walking out. Her eyes almost completely gold. She was wearing a bright yellow hoodie, the strings almost to the pocket, black jeans with grayish stains on them, and her normal black converse. She reached over and got her bag, "Let's go," no emotion in her voice as she got up and walked out the door.

Reese nodded, and she held onto his jacket sleeve. Zane offered to drive them in his car, so that's what they did. Once they pulled up to school, Reese helped Jade out of the car. She grabbed onto his arm and they walked into the school. Everyone's gaze sat on them, making Jade look to the ground. Everyone looked at each other and started the rumors. "That's her! That is the evil girl."

"She is the second Garmadon!"

"Don't get close to her! She will hurt you!"

"Don't look at her! She will kill you!"

Reese looked at Jade who seemed lost looking at the ground as she walked. She was holding onto his arm, swaying her head a bit, as if she was lost in her own world. She must not be listening. He walked her to her first period class and looked at Kirby and Axel who were in that class with her, "I have class with her after this until then make sure no one makes fun of her or hurts her in any way."

Both of them nodded, and helped Jade to her seat. Reese watched her then walked up to Jade. Her sleeves were pulled up so everyone could see her cuffs. He pulled down her yellow sleeves so that they covered her hands, " have a good first period, I will see you soon." He whispered to her with a smile. Her eyes were still gold, so she just looked up and nodded.

He walked to his class with Maya, "You know you could ask to change your classes to hers." she pointed out. He shrugged, "I would but she is the grade below us with Ray, Axel, and Kirby. It would be pointless, I can't redo a grade." Maya nodded, understanding, "then how come you have classes with her?"

"Electives and she is very smart. She takes advanced classes." Maya nodded and an, "ooh! How did I never know that?" she questioned. Her eyes widened, "Wait... Kirby is younger than me!" she gasped. Reese sighed, " I cannot believe you are my cousin."


Once first period was over, Reese walked fast all the way to Jade's classroom. He saw her waiting with Axel and Kirby, everyone trying to avoid them. Jade looked up at Reese, and that's when the green in her eyes balanced out with the gold. She smiled, "Hey Reese!" she walked up and grabbed onto his arm. She then looked back at Kirby and Axel, "Thanks guys, see you at lunch!"

They waved the two off, and Reese and Jade headed to their class. "Hey Jade, did anyone hurt you in any way?" Reese questioned, as they walked down the hallway. Jade gazed down to her cuffs, still covered by her sleeves, "well, some people did spread more rumors, but I didn't listen, Kirby threatened them and almost got in trouble by Axel." She smiled slightly.

Reese enjoyed her smile. They made their way to their class. The teacher noticed them and her eyes widened with a bit of fear. "Oh, well... uh, good morning Reese," she shifted her gaze to the shorter girl, "and Jade- oh my, what happened to your eyes?" She questioned.

Jade looked down, as she did the gold started to take back over, "sensitive topic," Reese mumbled to the teacher. He helped her to their seats in the back.

They sat down, and the girl in front of them turned to see them, "Jade! You are back." She innocently smiled. This was Angie Michelle, a total brat. Jade looked at Reese, not wanting to answer. Reese looked at Angie, "ni- nice to see you Angie, do you mind? Class is starting, we have a test soon and we don't want to fail."

Angie rolled her eyes, "whatever, just keep that monster away from me." Reese looked at Jade, who seemed as if she was just shot through the heart. She looked up, Reese noticed her eyes were turning back red. "Oh no.." he whispered. Jade looked at Angie with a smile, her eyes gleaming red, "sorry Angie, but i'm not sure how to keep you away from yourself."

Angie turned back to her, "excuse me?" Jade smirked, "you heard me, monster." Reese then leaned over to Jade and held her hand, "calm down, you need to get back to green or gold." he told her. She sighed, and closed her eyes. They started to shift back to green. She opened them, and started to mumble, "S-sorry Angie."

Angie didn't reply, she just turned back around.



At lunch, everyone was practicing their powers, like they used to. Jade was sitting on the bench, holding her sandwich. She sighed, "way to rub it in.." she mumbled, looking down at her cuffs. "Wonder if there is someone who could understand me," she inaudibly whispered. Her eyes started to balance out gold and red. She got up and sat down her food. She started to walk away. Adrian looked over, "Hey Jade! Where are you going?" he asked.

She started to walk home, just like she did weeks ago. Everyone was confused, so they let Reese chase after her. "Hey, what's wrong?" he questioned. "I'm going to the museum." She said, still going. "I..i will go with you." he said. "Whatever," she shrugged.

Once she was there she walked into the villains hall. Reese was confused. Why was Jade going here? She kept walking until she stopped at a statue of a ghost. "Morrow.." Jade whispered, " So his statue is here. Why?" she asked, looking at the orange ninja.

"Well, he almost destroyed sticks." he pointed out. "But he redeemed himself by giving back the realm crystal and on the day of the departed when he helped find Cole." she pointed out. "Im kinda in the same boat as him, trying my best to be the green ninja, getting tuned against my friends, no one understands how I have tried to change."

Reese stood there in silence. What was Jade getting at?

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