Chapter 10

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Adrian was worried about Jade. With Stone Warriors and the Overlord on the loose, who knew what could happen next. Jade must have been in her room, or the bathroom. Adrian didn't know, but he knew she was safe in Zane and Pixal's home.

"Reese and I can go check her room." Adrian suggested. Lloyd scardly looked to him with a nod. Adrian grabbed his cousin's arm and dragged him into the house. Reese could walk on his own, and Adrain knew that, but Reese was slow and tired a lot and didn't have time for him being slow.

Reese tore his arm from Adrain's arm, "Dude, slow down and chill, Jade is fine! She probably just fell asleep or something." he said, walking at the same pace as Adrain. Adrian started to slow down, thinking about how stupid he had been acting, "You are right, lets check her room first, if she is not there we will just tell Lloyd." Reese nodded with a smile.

They continued to calmly walk, until they made it to the girl's hallway, and stood in front of Jade's door. Adrian rapped his knuckles on the wood door, "Jade? Come on we are going to training!" He called. They waited, but there was no answer. Reese then knocked as well, "Come on, you may not like it but you have to come!" He said. No answer.

Reese groaned, "Ok, like it or not, we are coming in!" He then turned the knob and opened the door. The room was empty. No form of life seemed to have been there for at least thirty minutes or so. Reese looked to Adrian, "Go check the bathroom." he ordered.

Adrian left the room and quickly walked down the hallway to the bathroom the girls now shared, "Jade are you in there?" he asked. No one answered again. This started to worry Adrain. "Jade please don't be changing." He whispered, and opened the door.

He opened his closed eyes and looked around, not seeing a sign of Jade. It looked like she hadn't even unpacked yet. "We have to find Lloyd." Adrian says, running down the stairs with Reese behind him. When they arrived back outside there was quite a bit of chaos that they missed. Akita showed up, and was quite out of breath. She had a few deep cuts.

"Jade's in danger. Garmadon's back. He took her, and I tried to get her back but they disappeared into thin air." Everyone went quiet. "Okay, get Akita to the medical area and we will work out a plan." Zane told Pixal, who had come out to see what was going on.

"What is happening?" Pixal asked, "Who is this?" Zane walked up to Akita and helped her back to her feet, "This is Akita from the Never Realm." He clarified. He and Pixal then took her inside, to help heal her cuts.

Lloyd held his hands to his head as his anxiety started to kick in. Kai then stood next to him, and calmly side hugged him, "don't worry we will get her back, safely." Lloyd looked back at Kai, "I hope."

Adrian looked to his feet, his heart beating fast as his head tried to process everything that was going on. "I hope too..."


Garmadon slowly stepped out of the shadows from which he was hiding in. He was nothing like the pictures Lloyd hung around the house. Those were of the good Garmadon, but this Garmadon was dark. Evil. And it scared Jade.

"Forget it!' she hissed, "I will never give you my power! No matter what!" she said, trying her best to pull off a brave face. Garamadon shrugged, "I'm not here for your power. Not now at least."

Jade's heart started beating faster, "What do you want then?" she gulped. Garamdon grinned, evilly, "You."


Jade opened her eyes to try to get a glimpse of where she was. It was dark and hard to tell, but she had this odd feeling. She shouldn't be here, she should be at home with her friends. She rubbed her eyes to wipe away the tired, but she still couldn't see where she was.

"Hello?" she asked. She got to her knees and looked around, "where am I?" she asked herself. Like she had a clue. "Hello?" she called again. SHe then got to her feet, brushing off her jeans.

"You're awake." A familiar voice said. Jade turned and saw Garmadon looking at her. She held up her fist, ready to pounce if needed, "Why did you bring me here if you don't need my power." she asked with a huff, "My dad and friends will come for me, you made a mistake."

"No, they will be making the mistake when they come for you." he croaked. " You see, back when I saw, good." he paused before good, " The Overlord had a way to turn my brother to his side, after he gave the ninja the techno blades and they ran off. They didn't want to hurt him since he was their master." he looked her dead in the eye, "So why not do it with you."

Jade's heart skipped a beat.

"We will take your power once we have everything ready, which should be a while, so while we are at it, we might as well just make the process easier." He shrugged. Jade brushed her hair from her eyes, "No, I won't allow you to turn me against my friends and family, then take my power!" he called.

"We weren't asking."

Soon stone warriors and nindroids flooded the room, grabbing her arms. She tried to fight them off, trying to release herself from their grip. She couldn't, she wasn't strong enough. They dragged her into a new room. She tried her hardest to fight them off, but she couldn't.

They tossed her to a chair, where she fell. She caught herself, then looked at Garmadon, "what are you going to do?" She breathed. He gave her an evil grin, " you will see."


Jade woke. She opened her eyes all the way, not needing to wipe the tiredness out of them. She looked around, and noticed Garmadon, and a Serpentine. A raspy voice then spoke, " you got the owner of the golden power?" It asked.

"Yes," Garmadon nodded, "and when the time is right, she will give you her power." Jade looked down to her feet, seeing her reflection in a puddle. She looked the same, except for one thing.

Her eyes were red.

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