Chapter 20

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Adrian wanted to cry but kept stone-faced to keep the group from falling apart. "Are we able to see her?" he asked. "Not right now, she is resting, but Pixal will come to get us when she wakes," Nya said.

"Ok, well, I'm not trying to be selfish or anything," Reese calmly closed his eyes, "But may I remind you that I was shot and haven't been seen yet?" he semi-yelled, his eyes shot open, narrowing his eyes.

Kai, who was coming to check on Lloyd, overheard what Reese had said. "YOU WERE SHOT?" Reese looked at his father in disbelief, "You didn't know? Has no one been listening to me? I'm literally holding onto my stomach for life!" he started yelling.

"Ok, we will look at you." Nya sighed. She then jabbed her pointer finger into his forehead, "You should keep a better eye on your kids." She then took Reese's hand and started to guide him to where Pixal helps heal anyone if needed.

A couple of minutes passed, and Pixal walked out of the room Jade was in. Adrian looked over to her, "Is Jade ok?" He asked. "Yes, but she isn't ready to see anyone." she then turned to Lloyd. "But she said that later she wants to see you." Lloyd looked up, pointing at himself, "me?" he asked. "And you and Reese." she pointed to Adrian.

"When will that be?" he asked. Pixal shrugged, "I'm not sure." she admitted. "But we gave her vengestone bracelets that will not come off unless one of us takes it off, which will also hold back her power."

"Ok." Adrian forced out. He was worried. Would Jade remember him, or would she even like him anymore?


 "She wants to see me?" Reese asked as Nya bandaged his chest. Adrian nodded, "Yes, but she isn't ready, that's what Pixal told me." He said.

"When will she be?" Reese leaned forward, causing his chest to ache. He hissed in some air. Nya placed her hand on his chest, sitting him back up right, " Be careful, we don't want you getting any worse."

She left Adrian and Reese alone in the room. "What are you going to do when you first see her? Give her a true love's kiss and you'll suddenly wake up?" Reese jokes. Adrian groans. "Stop."

"Ok, ok." Reese snickered, "But seriously, what are you going to do?" he asked. Adrian looked at his hands, "I-I'm not sure, to be honest." Reese raised an eyebrow at his cousin, "Really?" he questioned, "After weeks of her being evil and you finally get her back and you don't know what to say to her?"

Adrian sighed, slighting nodding. Reese sighed, "Honestly, I'm not sure either." he started to fidget with his fingers, "I mean, we are best friends. So what do I tell her?" He asked. Adrian just looked at him for a quick glance, then back down at his feet.

Reese watched him, then let out a groan, patting the space next to him on the bed. Adrian noticed the motion and sat next to him. "No matter what, it's going to be ok," Reese attempted to reassure him, "I mean, there is still good in her. And as long as she has a bit of light left, then there is hope." Adrian looked up at his cousin, "Thanks, Reese."

"Anytime." the orange ninja smiled back. "I would try to hug you, but she really shot my gut hard." a chuckle left his mouth. Adrian giggled himself and the two continued to chat.


"It's time."

"It's time.."

"What do I say?"

"I don't know!"

The two idiot cousins were about to see Jade. They had a day to think about it but still came up with nothing.

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