Chapter 28

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Adrian peeked out from behind the building and gave his uncle a thumbs up. His uncle was across the street, and was wearing a ridiculously noticeable costume. Kai being Kai, dressed up as Vision from Avengers Age of Ultron. He turned to see Axel next to him, dressed in a long brown coat like a detective and a fedora he loaned from Lloyd.

Adrain was dressed like Ash from Pokémon, since that's all he has ever watched. He smiled, "let's do this"

The three of them started walking around town, following Ray and Robin, not making it too noticeable though. Kai started to use a ridiculous accent and so did Axel, so what did Adrain do?

"Pikachu! I choose you!" No he didn't say that, we wanted to but he didn't. They continued to follow the girls, Kai keeping a close eye on them. Adrain then walked closer to his uncle, "hey uncle Kai?" He started, " why do you not like Ronin that much?"

Kai sighed, "well he is a bi-," he froze, "a-a big pain in the butt, he scammed us and was a criminal, I guess he dropped that when he got a kid." Adrain nodded, "okay, is that why you are so protective over Ray around Robin?"

"Robin is Ronin's daughter so who knows what she can do." He mumbled. Adrain nodded, continuing to watch the two girls. He then looked at Axel, "why are you so worried about Ray?" He questioned. Axel shrugged, "she is my best friend. Since Reese is too caught up with Jade at the moment I gotta be the protective one." He explained.

Adrain put his hand on his heart, "that's so sweet bro." Axel turned and put a hand to where his heart would be, "thanks bro."


"They are following us aren't they?" The master of fire said, a bit annoyed. Robin shrugged, "yeah, who is it?"

"My dad, my idiot cousin, and Axel." She sighed. Robin nodded, "I get it, but I'm not exactly like my dad, sure I got his looks and personality but it's not like I'm a criminal." She nudged her elbow at Ray.

Ray giggled, a blush creeping up her cheeks, "yea." She then got a quick glance at the trio, "oh my first spinjitzu master." She grumbled.

"What's wrong?" Robin asked. "My dad is dressed as Vision, Axel is like a detective, and Adrain is dressed like Ash from Pokémon." Robin chuckled, "wow, they need better disguises than that." She pointed out. Ray nodded in agreement. The rest of the night they went and got some fast food, walked in the park and just talked. It was getting late, so it was about time for Ray to get home. She informed Robin so they started to head back.

"Thanks by the way." She smiled. Robin smiled as well, "no problem! I had fun! We should do this again." Ray nodded her head yes, "sure!" They made it to Zane's house, and waved each other bye. Ray opened the door to be greeted by Adrain, Kai, and Axel. "Hi!" Her cousin waved.

"Hey Ray!" Axel smiled. "Hola." Her father nervously chuckled. "You guys followed me." She spat out, getting right to the point.

"HOW DID YOU- I-I mean.." Adrain rubbed the back of his neck, "no..." axel slapped the back of his head. Ray rolled her eyes and started to head back to her room, "Ash, Vision, and Sherlock Holmes don't really walk together in a crowd."


Jade slung her bag over her shoulder, getting ready to leave. She looked at Morrow, "I hate this already." She said, her eyes a glistening red. The two of them started to head down to where Akita and Lloyd were waiting. Morrow went invisible, still trailing behind them.

"Jade." Lloyd said, placing a hand on her shoulder, "be safe, and don't trick anyone into taking off the cuffs." He informed.

"Bracelets." She mumbled under her breath, "okay okay, where is Reese?" She asked. "Right here." Reese showed up from behind her. She turned and nodded, grabbing his hand, "be safe." She whispered. The master of amber nodded, "will do, but you better stay safe as well." Jade nodded in agreement, "I will."

She hugged him tight one last time, then looked at Akita. Akita nodded, and the two of them started to head off. They went outside, and Akita used a tea bottle to draw a circle, and soon a portal appeared. Jade took one last look then walked through. She opened her eyes to see snow everywhere, she wrapped her arms around herself to keep warm. She sighed, "You are lucky you don't get cold, Morrow." "Who are you talking to?" Akita asked. Jade turned and saw her, "no one, just myself." she covered, "so how do I do this? I wanna get home as soon as possible."

"First we have to go to my village, they will perform the ceremony, then you will adventure through the mountain, and when you see an animal, one that sticks out, you must follow it." Jade sighed, "Okay, let's go."

Once they got there, they were greeted by many people, and questions and comments started to spark. 

"That's your daughter Akita?"

"She doesn't look much like her mother?"

"I wonder what animal she would get? A wolf like her mother?"

"Maybe a bear?"

Jade sighed, and followed Akita through the crowd. The ceremony began, and red paint was applied to her face. She didn't enjoy it much, so she planned to wipe it off later. It was time for her to ascend the mountain. "Jade!" Akita ran to her before she left, "good luck."

"Thanks I guess," Jade shrugged, then started her quest. After thirty minutes of silence, Morrow revealed himself, "dang, it looks cold." he pointed out, gazing at all the snow. "You don't say sherlock." Jade mumbled back. "Aren't you supposed to be silent?" Morrow questioned after she answered. Jade sighed as she continued to trail up the mountain, "honestly I don't care if I get an animal or not, I just want this to be over with." he complained to the ghost.

"Okay, but imagine what it would be like with an animal on our side, you know? we could be even more powerful!" He declared. "What side?" Jade asked, "I'm not on a side, I'm a mere pawn for both Garmadon and the Ninja." She continued to climb, "I'm not good nor bad, just stuck in the middle with nowhere to go. I don't want my dad or friends to get hurt, but this feeling inside kills a part of me every day, making me wanna conquer, to be in control. To punish everyone who thinks they are better."

"So Adrain?"


"You wanna punish Adrain?"

Silence passed between the two for a couple moments. A growl escaped the green ninja's throat, "I hate you so much." she let him know. "Or you just like Adrain." Jade then glared at him, "don't you dare say that again." Morrow chuckled, "alright."

But the question continued to creep into her mind. Did she like Adrain? You know, like more than a friend. Did she like the master of water. Did she like him more than just a friend?

That's when it hit her. "Hey Morrow, can you touch or move solid objects at all?" she questioned. "If i concentrate enough, yes." her smile grew in an evil way, "good." she then held up her wrist at him. "What do you think you can do about this?"


"Acho!" Adrian sneezed, wiping the nose from his nose. "Are you okay?" Reese asked. The two idiot cousins were on a walk to keep their minds off of worrying about Jade. "Yeah, must be allergies." He guessed. "Or someone is thinking about you." Reese shrugged ,remembering the myths his mother used to tell him. They kept walking until..

"Hey Reese I-"


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