Chapter 27

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"Your old plan wasn't yours, it was your boss's. You could have-"

" Save it," he mumbled, "what do you want?"

He asked. Garmadon groaned, "we need you to follow Jade, make sure she doesn't ruin or mess up the plan." He grumbled.

"And what do I get?" Garmadon grinned, "part of ninjago as ruler." The mysterious character sighed, "good enough,"


"Jade Garmadon!" Lloyd spoke. His hands were on his hips, he looked mad. Jade's eyes were back to gold, so she didn't seem to mind.

Akita was next to Lloyd, her arms crossed. Reese was next to her, wanting to leave, but Kai was there as well. " You made us worried! We almost sent people out to find you!" Kai called out. Jade raised an eyebrow, "then don't worry." She then walked away, leaving the others speechless.

She walked up to her room, opening the door. Her eyes shifted to green once she saw what was waiting for her. Her eyes widened, "who- wha- huh?" She stumbled over her words.

"Hey." Morrow said. Jade shut her door and locked it, "I thought you were dead!" She said. Morrow looked at himself, " who said I wasn't?"

She shook her head, "never mind, how are you here?"

"That reconstruction breast plate thing," he tried to explain, "yeah, there was a sister to it, and Garmadon found it. He wants me to make sure you don't ruin anything."

Jade sighed, "he doesn't trust me at all." "Well, could you blame him? They turned you back, sorta good, you could reveal anything at any time." He pointed out. Jade shrugged, "point taken."

"We never actually met," Jade said, "so hi, I'm Jade." Morrow sighed, "hi I'm Morrow." Jade smiled just a bit, "great so-"

"Jade?" Someone knocked at her door. She looked at Morrow who was one step ahead of her. He turned invisible, and watched as she opened the door.

Akita and Reese were there when she opened it, "yes?" She asked. " That was extremely disrespectful to what you had just done!" Akita pointed out. Jade's eyes started to shift to red. She sighed, "Okay, so do you need anything?" Reese entered her room, "uh yes, your mom-," Jade shot him a glare. "Uh- Akita wants to go ahead and take you to the never realm so you can find your animal form." He explained.

Jade sighed, "what ever, when do we leave?" Reese rubbed the back of his neck, "uh that's the thing, I'm not coming." Jade's eyes shot open wide, " what! Why not?" She semi-yelled. "Well, I have school, and people wouldn't get why I would be gone." He pointed out.

Jade groaned, "ugh! Just get out!" She yelled at them both. She shoved Reese from her room and slammed the door shut. Morrow then appeared,

Sitting on her bed, "wow, temper much."

" I'm not going anywhere without Reese." She clarified. "Well you have me," Morrow pointed out, "I know I'm not like your boyfriend and we just met but I will keep you company." Jade flopped on her bed, per usual, " one, sure you can come, and two, he isn't my boyfriend."

" kinda seems like he is, you guys are always with each other-," "Not! He is not my boyfriend!" She hissed, her eyes glowing bright red. Morrow held up his hands, "fine, he is not your boyfriend." my boyfriend," she said again.

"Fine, he isn't your boyfriend." Morrow held up his hands in defense. "Anyways, the shintaro attack is going fine, and the next plan is in ninjago city, but it looks like you will be gone during that". He explained.

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