Chapter 34

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"What do you mean this is bad? The ring is just a different stone. What's so wrong?" He asked Alastair. Alastor shook his head, "no you don't understand! If stuff like this keeps happening you will lose all your memories and will die, you have to keep everything like how it was." He grabbed the box with the ring, "sure it's pretty, something Adrian would get Jade but this is Dianna! Go find a Diamond ring!" He ordered.

" what? But what about Dianna?" Reese asked. "Ugh!" Alastor sighed, "ok, I'll go get one, what you need to do is just talk to Dianna. If she says anything about a wedding you are currently at, use your adhd to zone out." He ordered. Reese tilted his head, "what? Since when did I-?" "I know you better than you know yourself." Alastor reminded, "Now go before this gets messed up!" He said.

" Fine, I'm going!" Reese said. He walked up to Dianna, as she watched the air flow in the night sky. "Hey Di," Reese said. Dianna turned and smiled, "Hey Reese, so you wanted to talk to me?" She asked. Reese scratched the back of his neck and nodded, "yes, well.." he sighed, "ok I'm not sure how to do this." He admitted.

" do what?" Dianna asked. Reese took a deep breath, "ok," he said, "so we have known each other for a while now.." Dianna nodded, " I know! Since we were sixteen and now we are nineteen!" Reese's eyes widened. This must have been the future. Last thing he remembered was his seventeenth birthday coming up. He nodded, "uh yeah, so." He took a deep breath, "I really like you and-," he felt something hit the back of his head. "Ow!" He hissed. He turned to see Alastor standing behind a bush.

"Uh, be right back," he told his girlfriend, then dashed to Alastor, "got it?" He asked. "Yup, how's it going tiger? Making love?" Alastor asked. Reese rolled his eyes, "oh shut up." He took the ring and walked back to Dianna.

"Ok, so we have known each other for a while now and, well." He got down on one knee. Dianna gasped as he pulled out the box Alastor had got, "Dianna Turner, will you," he opened the box to show the ring, "marry me?"

Dianna squealed, "yes! Of course I will!" Reese stood up with a smile and placed the ring on her finger. She then hugged him and smiled, "I can't wait to tell everyone!" She said. Reese nodded, "go on and do it, I'll wait for you."

Her smile grew, "thanks Reese," she kissed his cheek and ran off.

Alastor showed up from behind the bush, "smooth going tiger, may need to pick up some tips from you." Reese was still starstrucked. Alastor noticed and smirked, "Are you ready to do it for real?" Reese nodded, "yeah, I guess I am."


It was November 30th, which meant tomorrow was Reese's birthday. Axel had gone to check up on Ray, they were best friends and whenever one friend is in pain the other is there to help.

He knocked on Ray's door then opened it slowly, "ray?" He asked. He noticed Ray asleep on the bed, and Robin sitting next to her, watching her. Robin nodded, "come on in, just be quiet, this is the first time she fell asleep since checking up on Reese." She said.

Axel nodded and sat next to her, "thank you for keeping her company, "you are very important to her." He said. Robin blushed just a bit, "thanks a guess." 

"What are we gonna do?" She questioned, " we have to go to school tomorrow, but it's Reese's birthday." Axel shrugged, "dunno, I guess just be there for Ray." He suggested. Robin nodded, "yeah."


"Send the last remains of the guards to safety and get the citizens to safety!" The king ordered. Shintaro was in ruins. Vania ran to his side, "Cole we have to get inside!" She said worried. He nodded, " go on ahead, I'll meet you-,"

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