Chapter 26

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Ray was walking back to class. Her brother followed Jade to who knows where? She walked back to class, not paying attention when she bumped into someone.

She shook her head and looked at who she bumped into, "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

She had bumped into a girl with long auburn hair, and shining blue eyes. She was wearing a blue and black striped undershirt and a maroon tee over it, along with ripped jeans and a belt to hold it all in place. "It's no biggie," she smiled, "I'm Robin, who are you?"

"I'm Ray, it's nice to meet you. I haven't seen you around, are you new?" She questioned. Robin nodded, "yup, my dad and I just moved here from Sticks,"

Ray smiled, "that's cool, my parents' friend lives there, I think his name is roamin?" She guessed. Robin tilted her head, "was it Ronin?" Ray nodded, "yup! Do you know him?" She wondered out loud.

"Duh, he is my dad." Robin rolled her eyes with a chuckle. Ray nodded, "yeah, you do look like him," she giggled, "I gotta pay attention more," she rolled her eyes at herself.

"Hey Ray!" Axel said, catching up to her. Ray turned and her eyes widened, "oh gosh! I totally forgot we had class together!" Axel smiled, "it's fine, who is this?" He looked at Robin. Robin held out her hand, "I'm Robin, it's nice to meet you, I'm guessing you are Zane's kid," Axel shook her hand, "I'm Ronin's daughter."

"Oh, okay," he smiled, "it's nice to meet you, are you in our class?" Robin pulled out a paper and showed the white and red ninja her schedule, "what do you think?"

Ray smiled, "we do! That's great!" Robin smiled, putting away her paper, "nice, let's go," she said, turning. Robin started to walk to class, Ray and Axel trailing behind. "She seems nice," Axel smiled.

A smile formed at the edges of Ray's mouth, "yeah, she does," a slight blush crawled up her cheeks. Axel noticed right away, " are you hot?" He questioned, nervous for his friend. Ray looked at him weird, realizing her blush, "what! No!" She swatted Axel's hand away from her forehead.

Axel shrugged, " well you do look a bit red." He pointed out. Ray gave him a look, "you don't say Sherlock," she said in a sarcastic tone.


"Kirby, slow down!" Maya yelled. It was PE, the last class of the day. They had the choice to walk or to run. Kirby decided to show off his running skills.

"Fine." Kirby slowed his pace to a steady walk, and soon Maya caught up to him. She loved how strong he was. Kirby took a breath and smiled at her, " I thought you were fast," he thought out loud. Maya groaned, " I was! But since Jade almost killed us and I broke my leg it's been jacked up!"

"Jade almost killed you?" Angie asked, jogging next to the couple. Maya bit her inner lip, "uh, no.." "I can't believe it," Angie dramatically gasped, " they let a murderer in the school!" She said loudly enough for everyone to hear. Eyes were turned to them, and Kirby used his power to make a rock form for her to trip on. "Oops," he rolled his bright blue eyes, "I guess you fell, she didn't say anything," he looked to the crowd of people, " go back to running,"

Maya helped up Angie, " sorry Angie, that rock came out of nowhere huh," she smiled. Angie grunted, "I know you made that rock," she pointed at Kirby, " you are Cole's son! The master of earth! You have been using your powers since school was out!"

Kirby raised an eyebrow, " sorry but I got my father's looks and my mom's powers," he winked. Angie growled and marched away. The couple chuckled to themselves and fist bumped in triumph.


"How is the Shintaro attack?" Garmadon questioned his stone warrior. "Good sir, the ninja Cole who is also the king just came to help." Garmadon smiled, " good, and Jade has crawled into the new master of earth's head, things are going to plan."


"Vania!" The king cried, dashing through the halls of his castle, looking for his queen. Vania was at the end of the hallway, addressing her soldiers. The soldiers ran off for their tasks. Vania looked around and noticed Cole, "Cole!" She gasped, running up to her husband. She hugged him, "is Kirby okay?" She questioned.

Cole nodded, "he is with Zane, so he will be fine." Vania nodded, "Good, that's good." The castle then shook from the attacks, causing Vania to hold onto Cole tighter. Cole looked around, "looks like we gotta wait this out.."


Ray shut her locker, after getting her bag to get home. As she shut it she noticed Robin by her, "hey," she smirked. Ray smiled, "hey, are you walking home?"

Robin nodded, "yup. My dad is busy at his new pawn shop, wanna walk together?" Ray's smile grew bigger, "sure! I'll text Axel to tell Zane I will walk." She pulled out her phone, texting her friend.

Robin smiled, "great." The two girls started to walk out of the school, heading home. " So where do you live?" Ray asked, starting small talk. " Just on the edge of town, kinda out of range of the city," she answered. " What about you?"

"Well my parents own Chen's restaurant so we live above it, but right now we are living with Zane's family. They own a mansion and we train there." She explained.

"Nice," Robin smiled. "You know, I'm glad you bumped into me, you are pretty nice." Ray blushed a bit, "thanks, I'm glad I met you as well,"

The two walked until it was time to part ways, "bye, see you tomorrow." Robin waved, dashing off. "Bye!" Ray called out, and turned to the direction of Zane's mansion.

Once she got there, her parents were at the door. Skylor walked up to her, "where were you?" She asked nervously. "Oh, I walked home with a friend of mine! Her name is Robin." Kai put a finger to his mouth, mumbling, "why does that name sound so familiar?"

Ray sighed, "she is Ronin's daughter." Kai nodded, "okay, you are good but where is your brother?" He questioned.

"Wait, Reese and Jade aren't back yet?" She tilted her head. Sky shook her head, "no, do you know where they could be?" Ray shrugged, "Jade walked off in the middle of lunch, Reese followed her but they never came back."

"Did they say where they were heading?" Kai asked. Ray thought for a minute, but nothing came to her mind, "I'm sorry but I can't remember, ask Axel he put a tracking device in all of our phones."

Skylor and Kai looked at each other with a nod, and ran to find the master of ice.


Garmadon picked up a familiar object. He shone it in the light, "my son wanted to use this to bring back the good me," he mumbled, "but it was destroyed before he had a chance." He spoke, holding it into both of his hands. "Everything is going to plan." He then strapped it to his chest and mumbled.

He raised his arms and the wind flew around him. Soon a voice spoke, "whe..where am I?" Garmadon opened his bright red eyes, "welcome back, nephew." He grinned.


Jade twitched when a breeze blew by her. She looked over to Reese who was nervous, "hey Jade, we should go, school is over-"

"What is this feeling?" She asked, "I feel like he is.. back." Reese tilted his head, "huh?"

Jade shook her head and the green in her eyes took control, "uh.. sorry." She mumbled, "le..let's go home,"

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