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Monica pov

I gasped awake after my heart stopped.
I look around the room and I can see the dust particles.

I had great eyesight as a shifter but this is different.
I can hear a heartbeat.
It's strong.
I recognize who it is to.
Why would they let her be here?.
I could kill her.

I stand up and move across the room so quickly that I knock over the mirror.
"Oops" I say and gasped at how my voice sounds.

"Monica" I hear and turn to see Emmett.
I speed to Him and hug him.

He groans in pain as I hug him.
"Your stronger than me babe, so Uhh careful there" he said and chuckle.

I pull back from him.
"It hurts" I said and hold my throat.
"Yeah you need to hunt" he told me.
I grab his hand and we jump out the window and run threw the forest.
I let go of his hand and run faster.

I laugh a little and here him chuckle at me.

I stop and he grabs me.
"Close your eyes" he said and I do as he turns my body and hold me against him.

"Listen" he whispers in my ear.

I use my new heighten senses and listen.
I can hear almost everything.
The different animals that are here.
I hear a growl and snap my eyes open.
I carefully walk over and see a mountain lion.
I look to emmett who smirks at me and nod.

I look back at the lion.
I stay low and wait a second before I jump up and tackle the lion to the ground.
He roared at me and I yell and bite into it.

Time skip

Me and Emmett have been hunting for a while and playing too.
I push him against a tree and kiss him.

He smiles into the kiss.
"I love you" he said
"I love you too" we then grab hands and start our way back to the house.

We speed to the house, laughing and talking.
"I'm sure you know but Uhh Bella is here" he told me "yeah I know" I say and he nods "you ok?"

"I'm fine" I say.

I'm not.

I feel like I might throw up.

We walk inside and the sound of Bella's heart is so loud and I can smell her from where I am.
We walk upstairs and see everyone.
I look to Bella and it's like any hunger I had went away.
I calm down and smile at her.
"You look the same well for the red eyes" she told me and I laugh and rush forward and hug her.
"Woah" she said and hug me back.

I feel someone grab me and I pull away from Bella and see it's Edward.
I glare at him.
"Move your hand before I break it" I hiss at him and he do.
I go back to smiling at Bella.

She laughs and shake her head at me.
I then look around the room.
"Where is sunjay and ka'mar?" I ask

"Oh they are with our parents" Bella told me and I nod.
"I want to see them" I said

"I don't think that's a good idea I mean your not stable" Edward said and I start shaking.
I feel like I'm about to shift but that's impossible as I'm now a vampire.

I growl at him and he backs up.
"Monica calm yourself" Carlisle said and I try to but it's to late.
I feel over hot all of the sudden.
I feel my bone in my hand break.
I rush outside and hear them follow me.

I scream as I fall on the ground.
"No Emmett dont" I hear

I scream again as more of my bones break but it's harder now that I'm a vampire.
This isn't supposed to happen.

I feel like I want to cry but no tears fall.
I scream and dry sob for about twenty minutes before I shift.

I look down at myself and see my paws.
I'm the same as I always been.

I turn to the cullens and Bella and see them all watching me.
I sit down and huff at them.
"Amazing, she's a hybrid" Carlisle said and I tilt my head at him.
"Can you shift back Monica?" He ask me.

I look around and smell something.
"What's wrong?" Stefan ask me.

"She smells something" he told them.
I run off and hear them follow me.
I go to the line and they stop.
The wolf's are on the other side watching me.

I walk slowly and Paul growls at me.
"Don't growl at me bitch" I say with the mind link and he stops

I slow keep walking till I'm in the water that's between both sides.
"This is my home and I'm not a full vampire"

"It would have to be decided"

"She's right as we can all see she's a werewolf"

"Sam just let me know because I'm not the only one effected so is our daughter" he looks at me and nod.
I then slowly walk back to the cullens.
I watch as the wolf leave.

Time skip

I'm cuddled up to emmett.
"Who knew you would be a badass hybrid" he smirks at me.
"Please no matter what I am I'm badass" I flip my hair and he chuckle at me.
"I love you" he told me
"I love you to" I kiss him.

I hear the door open and smell my son with Bella.
I stand up quickly as she and Edward walk in.
I sped forward and hold my arms out.
She hands me ka'mar and he smiles as he looks up at me.
I kiss his little Chubby cheek.
"My baby" I say and Emmett comes behind me.
"Our baby" he told me, I smiled at him and nod.

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