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Young Monica pov

I had a show to do today and I was scared Bella wouldn't come.

We haven't talked in a couple of weeks.
I've been sitting outside her bedroom door and talk to her threw it as she wouldn't open it.

I get dressed and look out to the audience.
I look and see an empty spot next to my mom and Renee.

I frown and my mom sees me.
"It's ok" she mouth to me but I shake my head and go back stage.

I sit down and tears fall down my face.
I suddenly can't breathe.
I never did a show without Bella before.
I never noticed how much I needed her before.

I also never knew that everything I do involves Bella in some type of way.

I think my teacher noticed me panicking because she rush over to me.
"Monica your up soon what's wrong?" She asked quickly and I could barely understand her.
I felt like I was about to pass out.
"I don't think I can do this" I cry out.

She looks around and get a towel and wet it.
"You have a fever" she said and put the towel on me to help get it down.
She then tells a student to get my mom.

"Baby what's going on?" My mom rushed over with Renee.
"Mom I can't do this" I said and she hugs me.Renee pats my head.

After a while they left to get me some stuff.
I sat with my head in my hands and closed my eyes trying to calm down.

I then feel a hand on me.
"What happened and why are you not ready to perform?" I hear and look up to see Bella.
I jump up and hug her.
"I thought you wouldn't come" I said

"I might be mad but I wouldn't miss a show I told you that" she said and I nod at her words.

"I'm sorry about what happened she don't mean anything to me" I said and she nods "it's ok Monica Stop apologizing it's getting weird because you never really do it" she said and I chuckle.

"Now go out there and break a leg" she said and I nod and go to get ready for my dance.

I hear my cue and come out and see my mom,Renee and Bella.

After I was done Everyone was clapping but my eyes were on the people that mean most to me.

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