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A family is like a circle.
The connection never ends,
and even if at times it breaks,
in time it always mends.

A family is like the stars.
Somehow they're always there.
Families are those who help,
who support and always care.

A family is like a book.
The ending's never clear,
but through the pages of the book,
their love is always near.

A family is many things.
With endless words that show
who they are and what they do
and how they teach you so you know.

But don't be weary if it's broken
or if through time it's been so worn.
Families are like that -
they're split up and always torn.

But even if this happens,
your family will always be.
They help define just who you are
and will be a part of you eternally.

Monica pov

Me and Emmett walk into the house and I see everyone is tense.
"What's going on?" I ask as we walk fully into the room.

"Charlie is on his way here" Bella told me.
"Why?" I ask

"I told him that I am a werewolf and that Bella has changed" Jacob tells me and I look at him in surprise.

"Your not saying everything, what else?" I step closer to him once I let go of Emmett hand. He takes a deep breath and look me in the eyes.
"I told him you were too" he finally said and I slapped him.

"I deserve that" he muttered.
"Yes you did" I say and Walk away from him and over to Bella.
"Come on I will help you" I said to her and drag her into the other room.
"But your a hybrid" she said
"Yea I am but it's harder for me because of that" I tell her and she nods.

"First let's put these in" I said and she sits down and I pull out some contacts.
I put them in her eyes.
"They will irritate you" I hear.

She blinks trying to get use to them.
I sigh and slouched.
"Sit like me, humans don't sit that straight" I tell her and she slowly copied me.
I can feel everyone's eyes on us.

"And make your shoulders go up and down to make it look like your breathing" I hear and the Cullens do it and Bella copy them.
I can tell she is done with all this.
"Ok I got it" she jumps up.

I stand up and hug her and I can feel her relax.
"It's ok" I said and pull away and walk over to emmett.

We then all pause as we hear Charlie car pull up and stop, I can hear as he gets out and walk to the steps.
I also hear his heart beating.

Emmett pulls me closer to him as Charlie walks into the room.

"Bella" he said when he sees her.
"Hi dad" she said

"You don't turn into a large dog too right?" He asked and I walk to him.
"She wish she was that cool" me and Jake said and high five.

Charlie looks at me for a minute.
"Me and you will talk later" he told me and I nod.

We all then walk out the room to give the father and daughter time to talk.

I sit down at the table.
Emmett looks at me.
"You ok?" He ask me.
I slowly look up at him.
"I think I have more gifts" I said and he looks confused.
"What?" He asked "we will talk about it later" I said and he nods.
I hear Charlie leaving and I run out to him.
I hug him.
He chuckle and hug me back.
Charlie has been basically a dad to me and it's sad that I spend more time with him and Carlisle more than my own dad.

We pull away."I suggest you come visit before your mom comes here" he said and I chuckle and nod "ok" I said and he leaves.

Bella walks over and grab my hand as we watch his car leave.
Jasper and Emmett stand behind us. "Lot of self control for a new born" jasper said

"I'm not sure she is one" Emmett smirks Edward then come and pull Bella to him and I let go of her hand. She looks at me and rise a eyebrow but I turn away from her.

"She's the strongest one in the house" Edward tells my husband.
"She's the second strongest the first is me" I smirk.
"Please" Emmett said.

We all then go into the woods and watch as Emmett sits down a large tree bottom. "Don't hurt yourself Emmett" Edward said "shut up Edward before you get hurt" I said and turn around.
Him and Bella then grab hands.
"On three" jasper said
"Three" and they start.
I don't know who to cheer for as Bella is my best friend/sister and Emmett is my husband.

We all cheer as Bella wins.
She then starts breaking the tree part with her hands and throw it away.
"Thank you" she said and I laugh and walk over to emmett "your the strongest man in the house" I said and kiss him and he holds me to him and deepin the kiss.

We pull away and smile.
"Your the strongest woman" he said and I chuckle "and don't forget it" I tell him.

I then turn to the rest.
"So I have another gift then just my vision" I said and they look surprised.

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