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Ka'mar at the top

Ka'mar at the top

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Monica pov

We had made the plan for Carlisle,Esme,Emmett and jasper to go out and try to hunt.

I was nervous about Emmett going out there.
As much as I hate to admit this but Sam would go after Emmett on purpose just to get back at me, I know it.

He's mad at me for so many different things.
One, I married Emmett
Two, I hid his daughter away from him.
Three, I turned into a vampire, well a hybrid and he also thinks I choose the Cullens over our daughter.
I wish he saw things my way.

I sigh as me and ka'mar stand with Emmett.
"You be careful out there" I said and he smiles and hold me to him.
"I always am" he said and kiss me.
We pull away and he picks up ka'mar who hugs him.
"My hugs are good luck daddy" he said with a smile.
I chuckle at that.
Me and Carlisle think ka'mar has a gift.

We just don't know what it is yet.

"That they are" Emmett said and ruffled his hair causing ka'mar to laugh.

He puts him down and walks out the door with the others.
I sigh and look down to ka'mar who is already looking up at me.
"Daddy will be okay mommy, I gave him a good luck hug" he said

"Why don't you go give aunt Bella one too" I suggest and he smiles real big and nod his head fast before running off.

I sigh and lean my head on the wall.

He grew over night like it was nothing.
Will he keep growing?
Soon he will look older than sunjay.

I get off the wall and walk upstairs.
I don't see ka'mar with everyone else and I get worried.
"He's upstairs playing" Alice said and I nod, calming down.

"Rose, Monica?, can you help me stand up?" Bella ask and we nod and walk over to her just as Jacob and Edward walk in.
She smiles when she sees them.
"What's going on here?" Jake asked

"Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names" Edward respond.

"She hates them" Bella told him.
"Why don't you tell them what you decided clumsy" i said and she nods
"Well for a boy I decided EJ for Edward, Jacob" she said

"Ok that's not so bad" Rose sighs and I chuckle.

"For a girl I played around with our moms names Rene and Esme and got Renesmee" she said

"I'm hurt, where is my name?, I'm always here" I complain.

"I'm the middle name" she told me and I nod

"So what you think?" She asked Jacob

"Uh-I." He struggles and I roll my eyes at him.
"It's perfect, a unique name for a unique situation" Edward said and I roll my eyes at him too.

I think I have officially started not to like Edward but then again I was like this when him and Bella first got together.

I reach and grab Bella's cup full of blood and she smiles "he likes it" she said to Jake.
She go to grab it when her spine snaps and she falls to her knees.
I gasped and let Edward catch her head.

Time skip

I let them deal with Bella in labor as I had to deal with ka'mar.
I didn't want him to be around and hear Bella screaming and see the blood.

Plus I was struggling.
The blood was so strong.
I didn't want to lose control down there.
I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened.

I hear footsteps and look up to see rose.
"She needs you, I will watch Ka'mar" she told me.
I look at her for a second before shaking my head.

"I can't" I said
"You can" she told me.
I look up at her and sigh.
I stand up and walk downstairs to where Bella is.
I can hear her screaming and yelling and smell the strong sent of blood.
I hold my breath and walk into the room.
I push Jacob out my way.
"Hey I'm here Bella" I said and grab her hand.

"MONICA!" She grunts out in pain.
I nod at her "I got you" I tell her

Soon I hear a cry and look to see the baby.

I smile "it's a girl" I said
"It's Renesmee" Edward told Bella.
He sits her on Bella.
"Beautiful" Bella whisper.

Next thing I know it's chaos.
I grab renesmee from Edward as he and Jacob work on Bella.
A few tears come out my eyes.
I walk out the room to go and clean her off.

She looks at me and all I see is Bella in her eyes.

She smiles her cute baby smile.
I smile back.
"Hi I'm aunt Monica but don't call me aunt call me TT or something like that because I'm not old" I say as I clean her.

After I was done I hold her to me.
"You are beautiful, lucky you for you look like Bella and not Edward" I said and sat down.

For a minute it was me and her then I hear heels
I turn and see rose with ka'mar.
"I can watch them while you go help" she said and hold her arms out.
I stand up and pass her renesmee.
I walk outside and stare down the wolf's that surround us.
"We're out numbered by a lot" Alice said.

"I won't let them hurt my family" Edward said coved in blood.

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