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Monica pov

I glare at aro as he go on with his bullshit speech.
He's making it like these kids are monsters when really we're the monsters.

They more than anyone.
Aro turns back to us after the longest stupidest speech ever.
I hear two sets of footsteps as aro gasped "Alice" Edward whispered "Alice!" Aro had the biggest smile on his creepy face.

Alice and jasper walk over to aro but get stopped by the guards.
"I have prof that the children are not a risk to us" she said and held her hand out "let me show you" she adds.

Aro waved his hand and they let her pass but keep jasper and slap him.
I roll my eyes.
Aro grabbed Alice hand.
After a minute alice speaks up "it doesn't matter what I show you" she snatched her hand away

"Even when you see, you still won't change your decision" she turns to me and Bella "now" she whispered and I feel my dead heart start beating fast.
I look at Seth "take care of my son" I said and he nods and run off with ka'mar as Jacob runs by him with renesmee on his back.

Emmett grabs my hand and we meet eyes.

I look back and see alice kick aro everyone gasped but I can't help but feel proud of our small alice.

Aro lands and glare at her "take her away" he said as alice go to run but they grab her.

"LET HER GOO!" Carlisle yells and run forward throw the guards that try and stop him.

He and aro go in the air and then my gut dropped like when your on a rollercoster and you know the drop is coming that's how I feel and it don't feel good.

Carlisle body drop down as aro lands with Carlisle head in his hand.
He has a smile on his face as they burn Carlisle body.

I cover my mouth before I feel anger.

We all start running towards them as they run to us.
I feel nothing but adrenaline go threw my body as I run to our enemy.

Edward jumps up and tackle a guy while I grab one and feel my eyes glow.
My hands do to as a guy wraps his arms around me.

I blast him with my red energy and ripped another guy head off.
One hand has green energy and the other has red.

I combined them and throw it at two guards.

One guy ones at me while a girl come up behind me she's wrapped her hands around my neck and I feel her pulling.
I groan in pain and struggle as two more come and grab my hand.

I then hear a yell and the ground starts shaking.

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