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Young Monica pov

Me and Bella decided that in some way we're dating.

We were in school and I was getting my stuff for class when this girl named Sam came up to me.
She likes me.
I got to stay away from all sam's.

"Hey Monica" she said and I look at her "hi Sam" I said with a smile.

"I wanted to invite you to my party tomorrow" she said and hand me a invite.
"Cool me and Bella will be there" I said and she frown for a second but smile wide again.
"Ok" she said and walked away.

I shake my head and put my headphones on and listen to Michael Jackson.

I then go to class, dancing a little to the song.

I love singing and dancing so anything is danceable to me.

Time skip

Me and Bella walk into sams party hand and hand.
"Why are we here again?!" Bella asked me yelling a little as the music was loud.

Everyone knew that Sam was older and hung out with the wrong people and did stuff but that wasn't stopping me.

"Come on Bella live a little ok and then we can do whatever you want" I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

Sam and some other girls come over to us after a while.

"Hey Monica" she said not saying anything to Bella.
I glare at her for that but I will play nice today.

Sam grabs my hand and drag me away from Bella.

She drag me to some others and I'm confused but just go along with everything.

She hands me a drink and I drink it.
I'm only 13 but oh well.

A little while later and I can barely hear or see.
Sam kiss me that much I knew.
I was so out of it I thought she was Bella so I kissed back.

But then I hear "Monica?" And I pull away and snap out of it.
I see I'm kissing Sam and I go wide eye.
I look at Bella who has tears in her eyes.
"No bella wait" I said as she runs off.
I push Sam away from me and run after her.

"Bella wait!, please don't make me run I might puke" i said

She stops once we are a few blocks away from sam's place.

She turns to me and her face is red in anger.
"Is that why you brought me here?, so you could kiss that bitch!" She yelled

I was about to talk but she starts yelling more.

"Why kiss me and say you like me and stuff huh?!, TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT!"

"No bella come on we been best friends forever you know I'm not that type of person" I said and she shakes her head "do I?" She asked and start to walk away.

"Bella please, I thought she was you!" I yell and she stops
"You thought that crazy bitch was me?!, don't talk to me ever again and were so over" she told me and walked off.

I stand there and start crying.
I shouldn't have went there.

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