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Third POV

Jacob makes it back to the Cullen house and tells them everything that is going on.
"Sam will be after you" he said

"Where is Monica?" Emmett asked worried for his wife.
"She and the others are talking, she's fine as far as I can feel" Jacob said

"She wouldn't be there if it wasn't for you dog" Rosalie said

"You do realize Monica is a werewolf to right?." Jacob said and rose rolls her eyes and Stefan comes up behind her and rub her shoulders to try and calm her down.

Rose picks up sunjay to go lay her down in Emmett and Monica room.

Ka'mar is sleeping in his dads arms not knowing what's going on around him.

Monica pov

I fight with Sam.
"This is just a baby Sam!" I yell at him.

"No it's a monster!" He yells back at me.
I shake my wolf head,
"Your ridiculous right now, what you gonna do kill Bella?, kill me and ka'mar and Bella's baby?, huh!?" I yell and get in his face.

The others stand around and watch.
"Don't stand in my way and you might be fine" he said and I shake my head
"I will fight with them because they are my family so I guess you will just have to kill me" I said

"And leave sunjay without a mother, choose those monsters over her" he said and I glare at him and growl.

"Is that what your gonna tell her when she realizes that I'm gone?, that I abandoned her?!" I yell and jump at him and we go tumbling down the logs.

We are both snapping our jaws at each other and growling.

He bites me and I bite him.
I use my new strength and throw him off of me but he jumps back at me and I hear a snap from my leg.
I howl in pain.

I bite his neck and hear him whine in pain but I knew with how angry we both are we are far from over with this fight.

Third POV

Jacob stands and try to listen to what's going on but he can't really now that he has left the pack.

He hears someone coming and look to see Seth.

Monica pov

Me and Sam have been fighting for a while now and I can feel myself growing weaker.
I was slowing down in speed and losing strength which gave him an opportunity to knock me around how he wanted.

I back away from him.
"I'm done" I said and he just watch me as I back away from him and the others.

I turn around and run back to the house.
I see everyone outside and Seth and Leah are here.
Funny she wants to change after what she said.

Emmett steps down the stairs and I fall in front of him.

I whine in pain and he runs my head softly.

"What happened Monica?" He ask and I just slowly get up and go behind a tree and get dressed.
I stumbled over to emmett who catch me.
"Me and Sam fought over Bella and the baby" I tell him and I see Edward look down guilty.

I slump against Emmett and he picks me up.
He turns and walk us inside and everyone else follows.

He lays me down on our bed.
"I love you" I tell him "I love you too, now get some rest" he told me and I nod and slowly close my eyes.

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