Second Place || Karl Jacobs

2.3K 23 17

Y/n's POV

I threw myself back in my chair, groaning after losing my 3rd Bed Wars game in a row.

"I'm telling you chat, it's totally rigged. How is the last person always so OP? That one didn't even leave their island!" My chat rolled with comments, some teasing me about being trash and others agreeing whole heartedly.

I laughed at them all and took a small break from the game to clear my head and interact with chat a little.

"I'm gonna grab something to snack on and then we can chat for a bit before I continue." I say, quickly muting myself and taking my headset off as I head for my kitchen.

I hum quietly to myself as I grabbed a bowl, filling it with strawberries and cutting the tops off as I rinsed them. I walk back into my office and unmute myself, giving my face cam a little smile as I sat back down and took a sip of water. "Ok, let's talk!"

I wasn't an overly huge streamer but I didn't go unnoticed either. I told my chat, which consisted of 20k viewers at the moment, to ask some questions or give me something to talk about. I tried looking at the comments but they were moving so fast I could barely read one before it zipped by.

A donation came in, bearing its own question. "I knew you wouldn't see my comment in chat so I just donated to ask! How'd you get started streaming?" I read aloud, nibbling on another strawberry. "Aw well thank you for the donation 'Mayatown' and I actually knew Quackity back in high school! Before that I had streamed occasionally for fun but then he and I did a stream together and I even spoke to some of his friends and I kind of just clicked with them. I got most of my followers and subscribers from streaming with people like him, Minx, George, and Karl." I smiled brightly as the last name left my lips.

Karl Jacobs.

Karl and I stream together occasionally but the fans eat it up. We've always been friendly, some may say a little too friendly.

There was the occasional flirtatious comment from one of us and the giggling like little school girls whenever we talk about something.

I think what really gives it away is our Twitter conversations, not to mention the way my face basically lights up when someone just mentions the guy. Our Twitter convos are full of teasing, wholesome comments, goofy pictures, and, of course, more than a little bit of flirting.

However, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a little crush on him.

The chat noticed my smile after I said Karl and went wild, spamming ship names and hashtags. I laughed and rolled my eyes. "You guys are so dramatic."

Another donation came in. "Are you and Karl together? Please that would be SO CUTE! UGH ILYSM!"

I laughed, taking another sip of water. "No, Karl and I are not together... unless? I'm kidding, chat IM KIDDING!" I yelled, laughing harder as people started keyboard smashing and going crazy. I liked to tease them sometimes, their reactions are hilarious.

More donations came in, some asking questions and others just being very wholesome comments. I answered everything I could and after about 10 minutes, I queued back up for another game of Bed Wars.

Not even 30 seconds into the game, I messed up my bridge and fell into the void. I looked at my camera and smiled sheepishly. "What a great start..." I sighed, waiting to respawn.

When I did, the blue guy had already managed to break through the blocks around my bed and destroy it, turning to face me as I respawned. He charged at me, killing me quickly. I looked at my camera incredulously. "What the- I didn't even know he was there!"

Chat was spamming f while I loaded in a new game. I played a few more, still not getting a single win.

"Wow, it is NOT my day. Maybe I'm just trash."

I glance at my stream on my other monitor and notice the viewer count increasing. I look at the chat and see that Karl was raiding me. I quickly turned back to my other monitor as a new game started. I smile widely, unable to stop the blood from rushing to my face.

"Thanks for the raid Karl! This games for you!" I focused on the game, actually trying to win.

I eventually won, throwing my hands up in celebration. "FINALLY! Back on track!" I smiled, playfully winking at the camera.

"First win in like 8 games, that was for you Karl!"

A donation came in a few seconds later. $50 from Karl with a simple word attached.


I laughed, sending one back into my camera. Chat was loving it.

But then another donation came in.

"Have you seen Karl's Twitter activity lately? If not, you should check it out..."

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to why. Karl hasn't tagged or tweeted me recently, so I hadn't been on his feed in a while. I'm only really on Twitter to keep my fans updated and interact when my friends tweet at or tag me in something.

"Thanks for the $5 'smokescreen', I'll give it a look!" I usually wouldn't do this type of thing right then and there, but I was very curious and wanted to see what was so important. I open the app on my phone and go to Karl's profile.

I'm immediately greeted with multiple interactions between him and a girl named Corinna. My mouth falls slightly ajar, my breath catches in my throat, and my eyes widen a bit when I see the hardcore flirting and suggestive conversations between the two.

I couldn't help but feel...hurt.

This was nothing like what we had.

This was another level.

I immediately took notice to how absolutely gorgeous she was. I scrolled through their conversations, every last one, the same surprised, yet hurt, expression never leaving my face. I bit down on my lip hard, feeling my eyes gloss over lightly.

Of course he wouldn't like me over her.

Why would he?

I was foolish to think otherwise.

These thoughts pooled in my mind, a tear absentmindedly slipping down my cheek. I suddenly remembered that I was live, in front of nearly 45k people, and haven't made a peep in nearly 7 whole minutes. I quickly pull the sleeve of my hoodie to my face, swiping the tear in a quick motion as I forced a laugh.

"Wow, someone's been busy..." I pulled the sleeves over my hands, clutching them tightly as I wiped my nose, which had started to run. "Uh yeah... Karl! You scoundrel!" I smiled as big as I could.

Hide the pain.

I looked at the chat, some were asking what I was talking about, others were talking about Corinna, and some could see right through my act. I ignored them, trying to act as natural as possible as I read off the subs I had missed and cleared my throat.

"Ahem, alright well, let's get back to the game!" I beamed, minimizing chat and turning back to my other monitor.

I played a little while longer, now winning the majority of the games I played. Another donation came in as the victory screen came up.

"Are you ok? You seem off... You're quieter than usual, is something wrong?" I sighed, smiling sheepishly.

"Thanks for the dono 'trydiecry', and thanks for asking. Um, I'm good, everything's fine... it's just weird... I thought I was finally starting to win but somehow I still feel like I'm in second place..."

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