The One Thing I Care About || Dream

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Y/n's POV

I was a mutual around the SMP. Helping people when needed and staying out of the constant fighting between L'Manberg and Dream SMP.

Everyone always seemed to be at war.

Even as of recently, Tommy was forced into exile. I felt bad for him so I visited frequently. But, things changed. Soon enough, I found myself retreating to my house earlier than I usually would due to the fact that someone else had began to visit be around that time.

The man himself, Dream.

The first time he came over, I was slightly confused, he's only ever come to me to ask for more hands in the battle, especially since I was pretty skilled at fighting, easily in the top 3 in the entire SMP. However, I refused him, making it blatantly clear that I was neutral and not putting myself at risk for all the violence.

But even then, was that the right choice?

He stopped asking after the 2nd time I refused him, but that didn't stop him from visiting me every night. It was nice to have somebody check up on me for once instead of me checking up on them.

The visits were innocent, he would ask about my day, I would rant to him about it, then I would ask and he would do the same. He came to me with any problems he had, claiming that he was "seeking advice from someone he trusts".

It comforted me to know that he thought of me in that way.

After weeks of the constant visits, I started developing a little school girl crush on him. I couldn't help it, he was so sweet and caring and funny behind closed doors. He opened up to me and I did the same.

The little crush I had soon evolved into a bigger one. I tried to get over my feelings, knowing he wouldn't like me back and that I probably just liked the idea of him.

Until he spilled his secrets into me like a walking diary.

He came to my house, same time as usual and knocked on the door. I answer with a smile, motioning for him to come in, it was a routine at this point. I took note of how upset he seemed today, like everything was weighing in on him.

I knew it probably was, he was the one overseeing Tommy's exile, while also running a nation and trying to settle any outbursts amongst citizens. He was the heart and souls of the nation, and some days, that was a bit too much.

I grab him a glass of water as he took a seat on my couch, keeping all of his armor on, as usual. I handed him the glass and he thanked me as I dropped down beside him.

He took a long swig before sighing deeply and placing the glass on the coffee table. "So what's up?" I ask, turning to face him as I propped my arm up on the backrest of the couch. He sighs again, and I stare at the side of his head, waiting patiently for him to tell me what was up.

His classic smile mask covered his face so I couldn't see much, but that problem was soon resolved when he pulled it off, also chucking it to the coffee table.

I frowned and scooted closer to him, gently grabbing his arm. "Hey," He turns to me, his eyes looking cloudier than usual and his face flushed with frustration. "What's wrong?"

He throws his head back, closing his eyes. "There so much happening, it's so overwhelming..." He breathed out, almost sounding as if he could cry.

It broke my heart.

I scooted back a bit and pulled his arm, motioning for him to lay down and relax. He was hesitant but eventually obliged, slowly turning to rest his head on my lap as I pulled the helmet off his head, dropping it by my feet.

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