New Kid || GeorgeNotFound

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George's POV

Today was the day.

My first day of American public school.

Of course, school has already started here for over a month.

"George, hurry up! I have to get to work!"

"Coming Mum!" I grabbed my my bag and swung it over my shoulder, pocketing my phone as well. I opened the door and ran down the stairs, hearing my Mum honk the car horn.

I grabbed an apple and took a bite, sliding my jacket on my other arm. Eventually, I sat down in the passengers seat of the car, apple in my hand, bag on my lap, and jacket on properly.

"Seatbelt." My mother sings.

I roll my eyes and turn, buckling the seatbelt. The drive was relatively quick and quiet, however, my nerves were through the roof.

My leg was constantly bouncing, I was chewing on the inside of my bottom lip and my fingers were fidgeting in my lap. This didn't go unnoticed by my Mum. "Nervous Georgie? That's alright, you're gonna be just fine!"

"Mhmm." I mumble back, unconvinced. She eventually pulls up to the front of the school and I hope out, after she forced me to give her a kiss on the cheek goodbye. "Bye darling! Have fun!"

I gave her a half smile and turned, walking up the stairs to the main office. Once inside, I wait in line behind two other kids. "How can I help you, hun?"

"Um, hi, I-I just moved here, and uh- I need m-my schedule."

"Ah! You must be George! I did your transfer papers." She explains, typing away on her computer. "Alright, this is building 1, the cafeteria is right through those doors on the left, that's also building 2, the library is to the right and up those stairs, building 3 is straight through those doors and building 4 is to the left of it. You're a junior, correct?"

I opened my mouth to respond but soon realized I wasn't exactly sure. "Oh- uh..."

"Right! From England!" The lady smiles, looking back at her computer for a second. "You're about to turn 17, correct? November 1st?"

I nodded.

"Ok good. So you're in Grade 11."

I nodded in understanding, my eyes raking the room. She paused and pointed down a hall lined with rooms. "Those are the counselors offices, your counselor is Ms. Jenner. If you have any questions, I suggest asking her. The buildings I told you about should be the only ones you need, but if not, don't be shy to ask for help."

I nodded for what felt like the millionth time and glanced down at my schedule. Homeroom was first with Ms. Parrth.

"Alrighty hun, you're all set, your homeroom is upstairs and you're first class is in building 3." I smiled at her and a bell rang, my nerves causing me to jump slightly. The lady at the desk smiles at me and motions to a chair against a wall of the main office. "Why don't you take a seat and I'll have someone come and get you for homeroom?"

I let out a breath, smiling at her gratefully. I sat, keeping my backpack on and pulling out my phone. I don't think their policy was too strict on cell phones, or maybe the staff just didn't care anymore.

"Hi Ms. Parrth! Could you send someone down in a bit to pick up a new student?" She pauses, writing something down and motioning for the next student to step up so she could help them afterwards. "Awesome, thank you!"

After a few minutes, another bell sounded, signaling the start of class. I checked the time. 7:30.

5 minutes later, the door to the office opened again and a boy wearing a white t-shirt, with a black long sleeve under it and a flame in the middle, and black trackies walked in. "Ms. Parrth sent me for the new student?"

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