Read || Karl Jacobs

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Karl's POV

"Ok ok, so when she joins, everyone just say hi, and that's it! Everyone remembers the agreement right?" Punz reminds, everyone humming in agreement.

"Are we really gonna do this?" I laugh nervously, not sure if the prank would go over correctly.

"Ahhh, it'll be fine, she likes a good joke!" Quackity adds, trying to reassure the group.

"Everyone shhh! Shut up, shut up, she started her stream!" Sapnap quiets us. I look at my phone, and a minute later, a notification pops up.

'U/N is now live!'

I open the notification, seeing Y/n, her smiling face greeting the camera as people tuned into her live. "Hi guys!" She waves enthusiastically, her smile becoming wider.

"Alright alright! Today, we'll be playing some among us! Let me see who's in our lobby today!" She trails, her smile never faltering as she turns to her other monitor to what I assume is discord. "Ok, we have Fundy, Dream, Punz, Sapnap, Karl, George, Quackity, Eret, and Ant! Oh, and me!" She giggles, causing me to smile at her excitement.

"I think I'm all set up and the bigger chunk of you are here so let's join!" I look at my own screen, turning back into the conversations in front of me.

The familiar ding of discord let's us know that someone has joined the room. "Hey guys!" She calls. A series of greetings follows after but that was all.

No other words were spoken in her direction.

I looked down at my phone to her stream. She seemed just as bubbly and not at all concerned with the fact that she was not in any conversation.

Ant eventually quiets us, announcing that he was going to start. The game counted down and threw us in.

I felt a little bad about what was about to happen, but I kept repeating Alex's words to myself, 'she likes a good joke'.

Y/n's POV

The game loaded and I minimized chat. I was a crewmate for the first round, unfortunately.

We were playing skeld so I headed towards weapons for my first task. I barely started shooting asteroids when I was killed by Sapnap. I sighed, apathetic about the fact that it was game one and I was killed first.

My body was eventually reported and the meeting came up. I was the only one dead. "Where was the body?" Punz asks.

"Uh, weapons!" Fundy responds.

"See anyone around?" Dream prods.


"Alright, no info, skip!"

I put on a face of fake offense, turning to my camera. "They didn't even try!" I shrug but continue on, doing my tasks. Eventually, the first game ends, the imposters, Eret and Sapnap, winning.

We loaded back into the lobby and I sat up in my chair. "Sapnap! You killed me first! And you guys didn't even try to figure it out!" I whined, but got no response.

Everyone was chatting amongst themselves. I figured they must've been too indulged in their side conversations to hear me so I ignored it, waiting for the next round.

The next two games, I was also a crewmate, and ironically enough, I was killed first for both of those games as well.

In the next game, I was imposter with Ant. An evil chuckle left my lips as I put my hands on my keyboard, ready to turn my unfortunate events around. I go down towards admin, faking card swipe, then making my way towards shields. Dream walks in, and just as I'm about to kill him, a meeting is called.

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