Oral Contiguity || Sapnap

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(Italics allude to a foreign language)

Y/n's POV

"There's been a breach." Two guards ran in, breathing heavily.

"A breach?" The King asks, seeming interested.

"Three men." The messengers informed.

"Are they gone?"

"They are, however, we fear they may return."

"Y/n, you shall see to it, inform them of their trespasses and possibly arrange a meeting. These could be possible allies." The King now turned to where I stood by his side.

"Sir, with all due respect, I do believe we should be a little less passive." I always warn him. His generosity will come back to bite him one day.

I had always been cautious of my people. We were different, not exactly human but not entirely foreign.


That's the best word I could use to describe us. Though we were born and raised on this planet all the same.

We had abilities, one may call them powers. We were just, advanced. We could jump higher, run faster, heal cleaner.

We'd always been different, and regular humans do not like different.

They tear apart families and experiment on us. This is why we hide. Humans may not be as physically capable as us, but they can be smart as hell if they really wanted.

"Come now, they haven't caused any harm and I doubt they were aware. Why make enemies when we can make friends?" He responds, carefree.

"Yes, your majesty." I mumbled. At the end of the day, my job as head guard is to follow his orders and protect the kingdom.

With that, I gathered 6 other guards and set out in search of these intruders.

"Anything?" I whispered into my ear piece.

"No ma'am. No sign of them."

I sighed, dropping my offensive stance and walking normally. "Alright, regroup in quadrant 4, 87th parallel. We head back to the exact spot they were sighted in. We are no longer searching, it's a hunt now."

"On our way." The three groups responded. I had taken off by myself, being more than capable of handling a situation thrown at me, while the rest of my platoon broke off into pairs.

I trudged through the tall trees of the jungle, pushing vines out of the way with my sword. I finally regrouped with the other guards.

They were all men.

Seeing a woman as a guard was rare amongst our people as most grow up with the stereotypical belief that they should be healers and housewives.

I disagree.

I think that's why the King appointed me as his Head Guard. Regardless, our people were very respectable, and the guards in ranks below me knew better than to test my capabilities.

We continued moving as a pack, following footsteps and slashed vine paths. The trail seemed to getting fresher and fresher, until we came to a dead end.


No prints, no fallen vines, no squashed plants.


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