Second Place Pt. 2 || Karl Jacobs

883 22 3

{Requested by @itz_jessica13}

"Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?" I ask, looking up from my phone.

"I don't know... you just seem like your mad at me..."

"Karl, I'm not mad at you." I sigh, returning my attention to my phone. It was true, I wasn't mad. I felt, weird, hurt. But how was I suppose to explain that to him without sounding like an obsessive freak?

"Then why have you been acting so off?" He retorts, staring at me through his webcam.

"I'm not acting off."

"You are! You're not as like, happy or open when talking to me anymore... You're, distant..." He sighs, leaning back in his chair.

I pause, careful about my next choice of words. "I'm sorry, I just... I've been having an rough week."

"What's the matter?" He asks, causing me to hesitate as I glanced at him on discord. "Are you being cancelled? Sorry, I haven't been keeping up with much lately." "You seem to be on Twitter quite a lot..." I muttered, holding back on the confrontation.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, it's... it's nothing."

He leans forward, clasping his hands together and resting his chin on top to show me he was listening. "You can tell me."

I stare at him for a long minute, debating on what to tell him, and he sits patiently, waiting for me to be ready. "I just.. ugh, Karl, who's Corinna?"

His eyebrows furrow together and he pauses, looking around his room in thought for a moment. "Corinna? As in, Corinna Kopf?"

I look down in embarrassment. "...yeah..."

Karl immediately takes this as a sign to start laughing uncontrollably. I frown, knowing that I wanted this to be a serious conversation. "You- hehe- you don't know who Corinna Kopf is?"

"No, but you seem to know her fairly well." I stated, sounding much harsher than I initially intended.

Karl's laughter dies out and he looks at me. "-Wait, you're serious?"

I sigh, picking up my phone again. "Just, forget it."

"Wait wait, no no no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought you were joking..."

"What? Did my laughter give it away?" I asked sarcastically, staring at my webcam with a straight, well, slightly upset, face.

"Y/n, are you jealous?" I keep my gaze away and follow my initial instinct. Get the hell out.

"Um, sorry Karl, I gotta go, talk to you tomorrow? Bye!"

"What? Y/n wa-" But I had already ended the call. I can avoid him for now, but it won't last long.

'Georgenotfound is live!'

I smiled as I laid on my bed with nothing to do, and clicked on the notification. The stream opened on my phone to three people sitting along a screen with Minecraft in the background.

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