Gum || Dream

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Y/n's POV

'Did I leave my gum in ur car???'

I pouted, slamming my head on my desk. "What's the matter with you?" I turn my head and meet the eyes of my friend, Hannah.

"I don't have any gum." I whined, sitting up and checking to see if my message was answered.

"Mmm, sucks. Anyway, did you do the discussion questions last night? I didn't feel like-" I drowned her out and opened my bag, pulling out the folder that contained the same questions she was talking about, and handed it to her. She smiles at me and opens it, turning to copy my answers before the teacher came around to collect the assignment.

I felt my phone vibrate and turned it over, unlocking it quickly.

'The green pack? Yeah'

I sighed in relief yet annoyance that I left it.

'Get it for me before next period? Please?'

'Uh... abt that...😬'

I rolled my eyes. Please don't tell me-

'I took the last one 😅'

I scoffed and dropped my phone, slamming my head on the table a few times before responding.

'U suck.'

'Funny coming from u 😏'

'Fuck off. 🖕'

"Who're you texting?" Hannah asked, sliding my folder back onto my desk.

"Clay." I sighed, annoyed at him.

She hummed in response. "Then why so sad? Did he say something?" I shook my head, giving her an assuring smile. "No no, not at all, I'm just annoyed because he took my last piece of gum."

Clay and I were casual, we weren't dating, per say, it was like the awkward phase before becoming official.

"Ohoho, he's gonna pay! He must be punished for his crimes against humanity." She sighed dramatically, leaning back in her chair and putting the back of her hand to her forehead. I stifled a laugh, rolling my eyes.

My phone vibrated again and I turned it over.

'Lol sorry not sorry'
'Don't ignore me 😓'
'I'll buy u another'
'Babe 🥺'

I rolled my eyes. A pet name. This sly son of a bitch. I pouted, thinking for a moment before sighing. I can't give in to a stupid pet name.

'Too late. The damage is done. Prepare to rot in hell.'

'Ur so dramatic 🙄 promise I'll have another pack for u by lunch'

'U better 😤'

"Ms. L/n, phone away please!"


"You want subway? Or Taco Bell?"

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