One Request Pt. 2 || Dream

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{Requested by @simpfordreamteam_ and @PainIsMyDrug_16}

Y/n's POV

"He asked me to give you this." Sam says, putting his finished plate in the sink and pulling a folded piece of paper from his pocket.

I snatched the paper eagerly, running to the living room and sitting on the couch. "Thanks!"
"You're welcome!" Sam calls back, laughing at my excitement.

I unfolded the paper, nibbling my nails anxiously as Cara sat on the rug in front of me, trying to fit a square block into the triangular hole of her toy.

'Hi N/n,

How was your week? And Cara? How is she?

I miss you both and I'm sorry I got into this mess (I know I've apologized in all of my previous letters as well, but I won't stop).

It gets pretty lonely here.

Quackity has been visiting. It was quite the surprise at first, but nonetheless, it's been very eventful.

I've had a lot of time to think recently and since I'm locked up and everyone is continuing on with their lives, maybe you and Cara could come back? I know you miss everyone and I'm sorry I've kept you away for so long. I'm sure Sam would help as well.

If you do decide to come back, please visit me, I'd do anything to see your face again. Anything to hold our daughter. Please. Give Cara kisses from me.

I love you both.

Yours truly, Clay'

My eyes furrowed at the signature. Clay. He never uses his real name.

Not unless... unless something was wrong.

Sam walked into the room, wiping his hands in a paper towel. I smiled while staring at the letter, pretending not to notice that he walked in. "You seem like you're in a good mood."

"Why wouldn't I be? I get a letter from Dream. He gave us the ok to move back, I get to see everyone after all this time, and he wants us to visit. Everything's great, well I mean, could be better." I gesture to the letter, addressing the fact that Dream was in prison, but despite the circumstances, things were looking up.

Sam nods, seeming hesitant as he threw the paper towel away. "Well, if I'm completely honest, I still don't know about the visiting aspect..."

"Why not?" I ask, standing from my seat.

"Well... after the whole Tommy incident, and everything he's done, we aren't exactly eager to get more visit-"

"But Quackity visited? And more than once at that. And I believe I have seniority in that department, when it comes to relationship with the inmate." I stated, crossing my arms. Dream knew Sam was gonna give me problems about visiting, that's why he mentioned Quackity.

Sam puts his hands up on defense, shrugging. "Well I know Quackity won't try to break him out or anything, his relationship with the criminal is very apathetic."

"I haven't seen him in months! He's been the only consistent person in my life for years. We have a child! I have the right!" He frowns, looking at me in thought. "Sam, it's been months. Please."

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