The One Thing I Care About Pt. 2 || Dream

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~Extra Long Chapter~

Y/n's POV

Dream was quite the manipulator. I wondered if he had done the same to me. Then I remembered that I didn't care. Even if his attention was artificial, he's still given me more than anyone else.

He had even tried convincing me to act as if I didn't have anything to do with the situation if anything were to happen to him or the plan. But I refused. He picked me up and dusted me off. The least I can do is polish him up. I owe him that much.

"We're on our way." I whispered into my earpiece. I knew I wouldn't get a response and instead focused on strapping my armor on tight. These past few days have been eventful.

Tubbo gave up the disc.
"Tommy did this?" Tubbo asked in disbelief.

I watched from a broken portion of the dock.

Dream, Quackity, Ranboo, Fundy, and Tubbo all stood in the watered down rubble of the community house, or, what was left of it. Upon hearing the commotion, more people joined.

"Tommy blew up the community house." Dream stated confidently. I thought I'd feel guilty, remorse, anything for the people I once considered my friends, but I felt nothing.

Only hurt and anguish from their neglect.

Dream was the only one there for me.

"Tubbo listen, you still have his disc,"

"Yeah? What about the-"

"That means you're affiliated! No matter what! That is his most prized possession!"

I felt my heart pounding as they continued conversing. The entire scene was nerve racking, and became even worse when Tommy and Technoblade actually showed their faces.

"I mean, the fact that you're here kind of, proves his point... you're not where you're supposed to be..." Tubbo steps in.

Tommy looks slightly hurt but mostly agitated at his words.

"Well yeah! Yeah, because I wanted to- we-we thought we could give Dream a friendly pat on the back-with knives!"

I smirked to myself for that one. Dream wasn't supposed to be wearing armor to the festival today, however, I made sure he did. Philza himself had tipped me off about that one. He was just informing me of Tommy and Technos activity, he didn't know of my plans with the information. As far as he knows, I was concerned for the well-being of my poor little Tomathy.

"Tubbo, you betrayed me. You know that right? You know you betrayed me."

I turned my attention back to the cluster of people. Tommy and Tubbo stood at the center. Tommy stared at Tubbo hard, a deathly glare on his face. I could see Tubbo shaking ever so slightly as he grabbed his axe.

Tommy noticed as well. "Did you just- did you just grab your axe? So what? You're trying to- YOU BETRAYED ME TUBBO!"

Everyone watched in silence.

Tommy shook his head, grabbing his own weapon and a golden apple. "You know what? You got your axe up?" Tommy asked, taking a bite out of the golden fruit. Tubbo mumbled a confirmation and Tommy began to walk forward.

Techno immediately tried stopping him but his attempts were futile. The two teens began fighting, swinging their axes at each other and blocking with their shields. I looked down at the scene, Niki by my side, gripping my arm and shaking.


Gasps were heard and the entire audience froze. I looked at Tommy incredulously as he glared at Tubbo. His face turned soft as he realized exactly what he had said.

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