Hog Hunt || Quackity

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Y/n's POV

"You can't."

"We have to." Quackity responded immediately. "He's too dangerous."

"He did what he thought was right-"


I paused, giving him time to cool off before I continued once more. "He had every right." I started.


"No. He helped us take down Schlatt, which he didn't have to do, he helped us gear up, which he didn't have to do, and he was backstabbed in return. He was used. He had every right to do what he did." I sat, arms crossed and eyes closed, set in my ways.

"He's a threat to our country." He once again tried to convince me to join his butcher army.

"He unleashed the withers, they're gone now. He hasn't done anything else to dwindle our well-being. Just leave him be." I answered, standing up so we were face to face.

"You're not a murderer." I whispered.

He narrows his eyes at me, upset that I refused to take his side. "I'm sorry." He finally turns, grunting in annoyance as he grabs his axe from next to the door and opening it. "I'm done arguing. We're doing this, with, or without you."

I sighed, turning away. "Carry on then."

He scoffs, a sort of final 'fuck you' before slamming my front door and storming off. I frowned. It didn't feel nice to be against him.

I was the one who had helped him reconcile with everyone throughout the entire situation with Schlatt. I helped him make the switch from Manberg to Pogtopia without either side murdering him, and here we were, arguing over the life of the Blood God.

I got up, making my way to the stairs but pausing, letting myself process some of the information. My hands clenched tight and I raised my arm, slamming my fist against the wall.

My hand ached, the temporary physical pain drawing away from the emotional pain. I took another step, then another, and continued on until I reached my bedroom. I slammed the door and dropped on my bed, exhausted and emotionally drained. My eyes closed on their own accord, the darkness pulling me to sleep with one thought.

'I can't let him do this.'

I watched from atop a building as the butcher army gathered around the cell holding the pig man himself.

Tubbo made a speech about how much of a nuisance Techno was, I assume he was still slightly bitter about the festival.

In the distance, I could see Punz atop another building, holding a few snowballs. He chucked them at the stage where the butchers were talking before picking up a trident from his feet and barreling towards the group.

"What- what is Punz doing-"

Punz threw potions at the foursome, immediately attacking them. They all shouted in protest and shock. I pulled a pearl from my pocket, deciding that now was my time. I threw it, landing behind Punz and facing the executioners.

I could hear Techno expressing his confusion in a series of 'Heh's.

Fundy swung his axe at me, causing me to take a step back so Punz and I were flush, back to back.

"Y/n?" He asked, not letting his focus falter.

"I'll explain later." I expressed, bringing my shield up to block another swing from Fundy and delivering one of my own. Punz held back Tubbo and Ranboo as Fundy and I kept each other occupied.

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