One Request || Dream

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Sam's POV (Prison Guard)

"Thanks guys! Sam- Dream... I'll come and visit you tomorrow." Tommy cuts himself off.

The masked man just stares at the kid, seemingly unfazed by his words.

"But have fun in jail. Jail boy." Tommy laughs, taunting the man.

Dream jumps forward, swinging a punch and hitting Tommy across the face. Tubbo immediately shoves the green clad man back, running to Tommy's side. Sapnap cut in, standing between his once best friend and the two teenagers.

"I mean, I'll just kill you Dream, you could do whatever you want to do." Tommy fumes, holding his jaw.

"Alright alright, stop stop stop." I step in.

Tommy reaches for the crossbow strapped across his back. "I'll kill you with your own, 'definitely not penis'...the adequately named."

I decided that is was now time to go. "Come on Dream, lets go." I grab his arm, yanking him forward, towards the elevator. "This way."

I pulled his arm again as he stepped onto the platform, Bad and Sapnap following. "Don't try anything and keep your mouth shut, makes this easier for all of us." Sapnap demands, holding his sword and turning away from his former friend.

Bad put a hand on his shoulder, a comforting one. Dream stood silent, not giving any reaction or response. In fact, he stayed that way for most of the journey.

"Quite the situation you got yourself in, huh?" Bad asks him. Instead of answering, he just keeps walking. "I think you'll spend some really valuable time in prison, you know? Get lots of self reflection and maybe one day you'll recognize your bad doings and we can let you out again!"

"Quit it bad. He's an unapologetic scumbag." Bad frowned at Sapnap's tone.

"How pathetic. What would Y/n think?" That caused Dream to stop and go completely rigid.

Bad gasped and I was a little shocked as well.

"Oh, right. She died. In a war that you started. Never forget that." Sapnap spat, shoving past Dream and walking ahead.

Y/n was a sore subject for many. She grew up alongside Dream, George, and Sapnap, and was a major leader in the SMP as well.

Sapnap and George were her best friends, but her and Dream?

They had a special connection.

In all my years of working for him, I had never seen him so vulnerable and caring around anyone. Anyone except her.

She recognized his bad actions and tried to calm his power hungry tendencies. She even managed to do it at some points.

But that all washed away the day she died.

It was years ago, when Schlatt was elected as the President of L'Manberg. He revoked the citizenship of Tommy and Wilbur, and caused a mob to attack them.

She just happened to be in the crossfire. Someone shot at Tommy, and she stepped in the way, taking the arrow herself.

The entire nation mourned her death. Many people lit candles and held ceremonies in her honor. She was the glue of the Dream Team. And without her, they fell apart.

Dream was in shambles. Sapnap and George locked themselves in their rooms and wouldn't come out for days. Dream blamed Schlatt at first. But his views soon changed. He thought Tommy was to blame, the arrow was meant for him, but unfortunately met the wrong target. From then on, he's sworn to make Tommy's life a living hell.

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