Just You || GeorgeNotFound

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~Short Chapter~

Y/n's POV

Today was terrible.

I barely slept last night, if at all, and still managed to get up late for work. The customers were absolutely horrendous today, I got chewed up by a Karen, I managed to spill coke all over the interior of my car, I lost my phone, and it started pouring as I was walking to my car from the supermarket.

I grumbled as I sat in the sticky seat of my car. Everything seemed to just keep getting worse. I slammed my fist against the wheel, nearly screaming in annoyance.

I decided not to go home. As I was driving, I made the executive decision that I needed to calm down. But, the only way to do so would be to spend the night at my boyfriend George's house.

I reached for my phone to call or text him before remembering that I had misplaced it this morning. My hand curls in anger as I remember my negligence.

I was freezing, soaking wet from the rain and sticky from the coke. I trembled as I pulled into the drive and put the car in park. I snatched the keys and got out of the car, deciding that it was okay to leave the little groceries I got in the car.

Puffing out a freezing cold breath, I trudged up the stairs to the door and used the key I have to open it. My fingers were numb and shook violently as I tried about 3 keys before getting the right one. I rolled my eyes, knowing it never takes me that long to find it.

I swing the door open and walk in, immediately making my way to the kitchen to fix myself a cup of tea. I tapped my fingers impatiently on the counter as the water boiled, having nothing to occupy myself with.

The water was finally finished and I took it off, turning to grab a tea bag when I realized there weren't any.

George doesn't drink tea.

Before my brain could process the frustration from that minor inconvenience, I heard my boyfriend upstairs scream before laughing. He was streaming.

I nearly cried. I was so over everything that even has remotely to do with today and now I couldn't even have the comfort of my boyfriend. I picked myself up after swallowing my annoyance and made my way to the guest bedroom, where I know I keep a spare set of clothes.

Luckily, I found undergarments and a pair of trousers easily.

Unluckily, I didn't have a shirt.

I huffed, but ultimately decided I would steal one of George's. I quickly hopped on the shower and turned the water blazing hot, letting it melt away my problems for the short 15 minutes I spent in there.

Once out, I put my clothes on and held the towel around my body so I could enter George's room safely.

I knew I shouldn't, and I knew I wasn't supposed to, but I was going to anyway. I quietly opened the door, but hopefully loud enough that he noticed. He didn't. I internally rolled my eyes and knocked on the door.

He jumped in his chair, his head snapping in my direction as he scrambled to mute himself. "I'm kind of busy right now..."

I stepped forward slightly to look at his monitor and make sure I wasn't in sight. The fans didn't know about our relationship.

Once I was sure that I wasn't, I sighed and stomped towards the closet.

"Um, I'm streaming?"

I glared at him, not liking his tone of voice at all. I quickly grabbed one of his sweaters and pulled it over my head.

"You didn't tell me you were coming." He stated, a hint of annoyance in his voice. And that was it for me. My anger turned to guilt and my expression turned soft. I walk towards him, knowing I shouldn't but not caring anymore.

I took a deep breath, trying to will myself not to cry. He looked at me, confused, yet guilty when he noticed my expression. "I-I'm sorry I didn't-"

I ignored him and instead, climbed into his lap, facing him and pressing our bodies flush before wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my face in the crook of his neck.

I sighed, also just processing that he had to hurriedly turn off his camera, making me feel even more guilty that I intruded on his stream. I sniffled, feeling the hot tears escape from my eyes as I shielded myself in his neck and cried quietly.

I felt his arm raise and card through my soaked hair. "What's the matter, love?"

"I'm sorry. I-I've had a really tough day and I didn't know what to do, I was driving myself up a wall and-"

"Shhh, shh, ok, ok, that's alright. I'm sorry, love, I didn't know."

I shook my head. "It's not your fault, I'm sorry I just barged in here, I don't have my phone and I interrupted your stream."

"No no, it's ok. It's just fine, you didn't interrupt a thing, you just surprised me." It was an obvious lie, he was obviously upset before he found out about my day but I can't blame him.

"I can go, I just wanted a hug-" I tried to weasel off of him but he wrapped his arms around me, guiding my head to lay back down on his shoulder.

"No no no, you can stay right here. You can stay right here, I know you're gonna go mental the minute you leave."

I giggled weakly, looking up to plant a short kiss to his cheek before laying back down and relaxing. "Thanks Georgie."


He unmuted himself and kept his camera off. "George isn't talking, he's so lame, he's la-" I heard Quackity saying.

"I'm right here! I just had to do something really quick." George rebutted.

The guys mocked him, shouting at him to ready up for the game they were playing. He just chuckled and did as they asked.

I was still sniffling slightly but I knew I had to be quiet, I raised my sleeve and wiped my face before scooting closer to George, hugging him tighter. "Need something, love?"

I sniffled again and shake my head, getting more comfortable. "Just you."

"George? Who are you talking to?" My eyes widened and I sat up quickly, George and I sharing a panicked look. He let out a string of curses, reaching forward to place his hands on his keyboard and mouse to act as if he has been playing the whole time. "I didn't say anything."

He took his right hand off of his keyboard for a second, guiding me to lay back down and giving me a look of 'don't panic'. But how could I not?

George is a terrible liar.

"Yes you did! I heard you!" Quackity retorts.

"NeEd SoMeThInG, lOvE?" He asks in a terrible English accent.

"Shut up." George mumbled, suppressing his laugh.

"Who're you talking to Gogy? Hmm?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." George played again, trying not to sound like he was smiling.

"Mhmm~" Quackity gave a final comment but didn't push further, somewhat sensing that there was a boundary there.

I tried to hide my giggles and turned my face more into George's shoulder. He muted himself for a moment and we both laugh, poking each other in the sides.

He unmutes as quickly as he muted and continues playing with Quackity. I observe his face as he concentrates on the game, he complains every now and again, biting his lip and furrowing his eyebrows. I smile, pecking a kiss to his jaw and laying back down on him and falling asleep within minutes.

A decent end to a shitty day.

'Just needed you.'

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