Act || Sapnap

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Y/n's POV

"Are you sure you can do this?" I asked, staring into the helmet I held.

Two hands reached out, gently pulling the helmet from my grip and placing it on their own head. "I have to."

"You don't."

"Yes. I do."


"No Y/n. He's reeked havoc for too long now." He states matter of factly.

"He's also your best friend. They would understand if yo-" I try to retort.

"He's not my friend. Not anymore. I don't even know who he is." He said coldly.

I sighed, looking down. It wasn't my place to tell him how to feel. So I dropped it.

I got up, my armor clanking on my body as I grabbed my bow from a hook on the wall. Sapnap followed behind, pulling his sword from a chest. He took the lead, now walking out of the room and down the long corridor as I followed idly.

Sapnap was living in Eret's castle for the time being. I happened to be pretty good friends with Eret, so when my house was unfortunately attacked and destroyed in a mob hoard, they graciously offered me a place to stay.

Sapnap and I grew closer from the proximity of now living under the same roof. He claims he didn't have a place of his own to go to, and he didn't want to stay at Dreams base anymore.

I think he didn't want to be alone.

I followed him down the halls, away from the armory, and towards the entrance.

We didn't speak a word as we walked, which was unusual for us. We always had something to talk about, or comment on, or joke with, but this time, all we had was silence. I decided not to bring up our previous conversation again, as he walked with purpose and seemed extremely irritable.

We exited the castle, and started our trek to the main nether portal, where we were suppose to meet the others. "Im sorry..." I mumbled.

"For what?" He asks, clearly annoyed.

"I didn't mean to upset you, and I can't tell you what to do, or how to feel, but I know this must be hard..."

"It's not."

I frowned. "Bu-"

"It's not." He repeats. "He's a dirtbag who deserves everything that's coming to him. I don't feel anything and I'll do what I want."

We rounded a corner on the path, the portal coming into view, nearly everyone already waiting. "Sapnap, surely you-"

"Why don't you just shut the fuck up and mind your own business!" He snapped, causing me to step back in surprise.

His outburst caught the attention of the large group waiting for us. We had both stopped. I felt my nose burning and my heart twisting with not only embarrassment, but hurt as well.

He glared at me from the side of his eye, his expression never faltering.

'Don't cry. Don't give him the satisfaction.'

I took a breath and kept my head down as I walked past him, towards the large group that was already looking at us. Eret put his hand on my shoulder, a silent question.

I smiled at them and nodded my head to show him I was fine. Sapnap caught up with us, no one saying a word to him.

"Alright." Punz spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention.

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