$100,000 Tag || Sapnap

1.6K 33 10

{Requested by Anonymous}
{Video: Extreme $100,000 Game of Tag! - MrBeast}
~Extra long chapter~

We all gathered in the large room of what seemed to be the waiting area of the abandoned hospital, waiting for Jimmy to start his introductions.

I was a friend of Chandlers in the area and he invited me along to compete for some money in a Mr. Beast video. It wasn't my first time in a video and I was already acquainted with most of the crew.

We had a few hours to socialize while all the cameras and mics were being set up so I was already familiar with most of the faces around me. I also couldn't help but take a particular liking to a certain Texan among the group. I had seen some of his streams and videos, and he had recognized me from some of Jimmy's videos as well.

"This is $100,000 in cash and which ever one of you I touch last, keeps it! 10...9...8..." Some people let out shrieks and everyone broke formation, immediately sprinting off in all different directions.

I saw Karl running outside and decided I'd follow him, knowing that if needed, I could outrun him, or at least out-hide him.

We both ran a good ways from the main building where Nolan came running up to us. "Karl! Y/n! Jimmy, was just over there!" He panted, pointing in the direction towards the back of the hospital. "I think he went through the side entrance."

"I'm going over there." I smiled, starting my jog towards where Nolan came from.

"What? I just said he was over there!" Nolan argued, urging me to follow the pack instead.

I spun around, jogging backwards as I spoke to him. "Then it's the last place he'll look!" I continued on by myself, searching for a decent hiding spot.

"Attention everybody! The first person out is Sam! He tripped and I tagged him." I frowned, feeling a little bad but the smile quickly returned to my face, one step closer to a hundred grand.

"Also I'm tired and Chris is gonna help me hunt you down!" Jimmy exclaimed, a slight heave in his words, presumably from running.

"You're going down Karl." Chris added monotonously.

I racked my brain, trying to recall if I saw a decent enough spot. I need a spot where I can see them coming, and have enough leeway for an escape if necessary. I was pretty agile, Chris' bright yellow shirt wouldn't help his situation, and Jimmy wasn't as quick considering his height.

"OH MY GOD THERES SO MANY PEOPLE! MOVE FRANK!" I heard Chris shout. I could faintly see three figures running through the tinted windows of the hospital, Chris running into the building after them.

I stepped back, leaning against a tree, conserving my energy. Jimmy and Chris would be too occupied with them to concern themselves with the outer edges of the playing field right now. "Attention everybody! We officially caught the second person; Mitch is now out!"

I walked around a car loop and noticed Chandler and Sapnap walking out of the front exit. I jogged, quietly calling out to get their attention. "Guys!" They turned seeing me and stopped, waiting. 

I froze, noticing Jimmy and Chris walking up behind them. I quickly hid behind the corner of the building. Having noticed my sudden change in expression, Chandler and Sapnap turned around, spotting the two chasers and booking it back inside.

I opted for a side entrance, entering a hallway and finding a secure room down the same corridor Sapnap and Chandler ran through. I took a chance peak, noticing Sapnap running down my hallway. I watched behind him and heard Chris slam into the door.

Sapnap turned at the noise and I grabbed his arm, pulling him into the room in case Jimmy came along. He shrieked for a moment but I put my hands up, shushing him. He shut up once he realized it was just me and leaned on the wall, catching his breath. I cracked the door open, peaking outside and seeing Chris getting up from his tumble.

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