Mr. KSI || Quackity

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Y/n's POV

Knowledge. Strength. Integrity.

And from what I'm seeing on my boyfriend Alex's stream, this guy is none of the above.

Well, I wouldn't know about strength, I've never met the guy.

KSI was visiting the SMP today. And boy was he something. I mean, I knew the guy was funny, but I didn't know he was this funny. Put him with Alex and it's just, *chefs kiss*.

I had been watching since the stream started, lounging comfortably on my couch. They had just finished building the school and were now looking for students. "KSI! Punz wants to join your class!"

"Yeah, yeah, come on!" I looked over at chat and saw them spamming my name, they must've noticed I was here.

'Y/n poggg'


'Y/nnnnn hiiiiiii'

'What a supportive gf🤧'

'Quackity? Nah, Y/n, my beloved 😩'

Alex's voice jumped me from my reading. "Y/n's here! Hi Y/n!"

"Who's Y/n?" KSI asked.

"Wha- KSI, you... you don't know who Y/n is?"

"Nah mate, sorry..." He chuckled, obviously not trying to be offensive.

"Y/n, get on right now. You are attending this class." I laughed and got up, heading to my set up, already knowing what I was gonna greet them with.

Although everyone knew we were dating, Alex was never one to straight up state the relationship, he wasn't embarrassed, just shy.

I sat down, powering on my monitor and opening Minecraft. As soon as I log into the SMP, I open discord and ask Alex which VC they're in.

As soon as I joined, I 'hmph'ed.

"Uh... hello?" Quackity asked.

"So you think I need Sex Ed?" I asked sarcastically.

He immediately begins stuttering. "Wha- agh! No-n-no, definitely not, you-"

"Stop. I'm joking so whatever you were going to clarify, don't."

He lets out a breath of relief and we both laugh.

"Where's JJ?" I asked, referring to KSI.

"He said he'll be back, I think his roommate brought him food."

"Ok I'll go wait in VC1."


I shifted my attention to discord and joined VC1 where I could hear everyone else waiting for the class to start. I sat down in one of the two seaters and waited patiently as more people filed in.

Dream came in not too long after me and I punched his character, chasing him around the classroom. More people walked in and took their seats as I sat behind Dream and Karl.

"Silence!" Alex called out, causing all of the ruckus in the room to slow down, yet not completely stop.

"EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" KSI yelled, causing many of us to jump.

"Jesus..." Fundy mumbled, sitting in the seat to my right.

"SIT DOWN! BADBOYHALO SIT DOWN!" Everyone was silent and Bad quickly moved to sit in the single seater to my left while Ant filled in the seat next to me. "TODAY, WE'RE GONNA TALK ABOUT SEX!"

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