The Viewing Party || Dream

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Y/n's POV

"Clay! Where'd you put my car keys?" I called into the house.

Clay and I had become friends in high school, sharing interests and friends naturally drew us to one another. We lost touch when I went off to college but reconnected at a Halloween party an old friend had. I knew about his career and swore I wouldn't tell a soul.

We had always been a little more than friendly with each other. Lots of teasing and a little flirting here and there. Anyone with a blind eye could see it.

I now had a month off of my studies for winter break so I wanted to come visit my family and friends. However, I did not want to stay at my parents house and when I expressed my concern to Clay, he offered me a place for the month. Of course, I tried to turn him down, insisting that I'll get a hotel, but he was persistent enough to convince me.

We had our own mini Christmas on Christmas Eve together, and then Christmas with our own families yesterday and today we just planned on staying in and relaxing, however, I was craving cookie dough and I intended on buying some.

"Clay? CLAY!"

Still no response.

Pulling out my phone, I sent him a few texts, still receiving no reply after 10 minutes. I sighed, deciding to walk up to his room.

I fiddled with the sleeves of the slightly oversized crew neck I was wearing, pulling the hem of it down over my short shorts to cover my bare legs a bit.

"Clay?" I sang out, walking towards his door. I knocked twice, still no response. I heard a few voices on the other side. I quickly pulled out my phone to confirm that he wasn't streaming. He wasn't.

I put my ear to the door. "Why is there a Teddy Bear?" Clay asked. I knocked again, now knowing he wasn't asleep. He must've had his headset on because there was still no response.

I stood in front of the door for a minute, trying to figure out what to do. Before I could think any further, my stomach rumbled, making up my mind for me.

I grabbed the door knob and turned it, pushing the door open, knowing he never locks it.

"Hey Clay, sorry to barge in I was just wondering if-" I cut myself off, catching a glimpse of the screen in front of him. I saw a pink haired girl that anyone on the internet recognized well. Belle Delphine. However, from what I saw, she wasn't wearing any clothes and was...busy. " knew where my keys were..."

Clay turned his head in my direction, quickly turning back and trying to close out of all the tabs on his computer. "Y/n! I-it's not what you think!"

I bit my bottom lip, trying to suppress the smile that so eagerly wanted to display itself. "So you totally weren't watching porn?"

"Ok... it's kinda what it looks..."

I scoffed, the result of my deplorable attempts to hold in my laughter. His cheeks were a dark red and I could practically feel the heat radiating off of him from across the room. He looked me up and down once, taking his bottom lip between his teeth.

I pretended not to notice the reaction and walked further into the room, towards him, unbeknownst to his rapid heart rate and rising temperature.

"What do you mean 'kinda'? I definitely just saw Belle Delphine, completely naked, with a toy." I laugh, grabbing the mouse of the computer, leaning over Clay to re-open the tabs he had minimized.

"Wha-what're you doing?" He asked, leaning back so he was out of my way.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I wanna see what all the fuss is about. So scoot!" I grin, nudging his knee with my hand, all my thoughts about cookie dough now minuscule. He sits up straighter in his chair, moving his legs to one side so I'd have space to sit on the edge.

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