My Finger Slipped || GeorgeNotFound

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George's POV

"Are you ready?" I tried holding back my laughter, wanting to see Alex's reaction to the picture I was about to put up.

I glanced at my chat, a lot of them telling me to just do it already. "Yeah..." Quackity says, unsure. I smiled, turning and clicking the item frame. The picture of emo Quackity filled the 3x3 square.

I smiled wide, the laughter in me being so much that I could only take breaths between silent huffs. Fundy left the game immediately and Alex just stared. I move to stand behind his character, still quaking with laughter.

He turned to look at me before punching my character and moving forward to try and cover up the picture. I was laughing hysterically, swinging back in my chair. He then moved to make his own frame, placing a picture in it after arguing with me for a bit.

I was confused and when the picture loaded in, Alex broke out into hysterical laughter.


I looked at the picture for a second before turning away, wanting to laugh but also being a little embarrassed. It was a bad quality photo of me with the caption "I think you accidentally left me on read😈".

I purse my lips, trying not to laugh a smile turn back to Quackity, hitting him with my axe until he dies. He respawns and I kill him again. "It's not even that funny."

Alex was still laughing his ass off. I roll my eyes as he finally calms down to some extent.

"Ok ok, how about we show everyone else?" He suggests mischievously, and suddenly, I like the idea.


Quackity and I moved around the server, placing pictures everywhere. I had already stopped streaming but Alex was.

Along the way, Punz, Antfrost, and CaptainPuffy had decided to join us. We hit a point where pictures of me were just being put down.

I was a little embarrassed but in the end, it was all a joke. I shook my head, rolling my eyes as I began to walk off, everyone laughing at a picture of me, which CaptainPuffy claimed to look like Voldemort. I remembered a picture I had of Quackity and smiled to myself, setting up another frame.

Everyone seemed intrigued and helped me finish it faster. I smiled to myself, putting the picture in my hand. Just as I was about to place the picture, my phone dinged. I glance at it, catching a name.


Y/n and I have always been friends, nothing more. Well, maybe a little more. There was minor flirting off camera, which neither of us noticed until recently, and of course, being friends, there were some fans who were bound to ship us, but that was all.

I wasn't sure of my feelings towards her, until she flew in to surprise me a few weeks ago. That's when I knew I wasn't the only one experiencing the conflict. I grabbed my phone without a second thought, unlocking it.


'Hey! You guys still playing?'

'Yeah, gonna join?'

'Mmm, nah, I'm tired, Ft me after tho?'


I typed quickly. I put my phone back down and turned back to the screen. "George?"

"Yeah sorry, Y/n texted."

"Oooohhh Y/n~" Quackity sang, the others throwing their own teases my way.

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