Red || Sapnap

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[I know I haven't updated, don't kill me I got a lot of things to do. Anyway, rewatched The Darkest Minds and thought this would be cute. Lmk if you guys like crossover/mixed type stuff like this. Also, I may or may not have some Hogwarts imagines for this book in the drafts 👀]

(And for those of you who have never read/seen The Darkest Minds, all you really need to know for this imagine is that kids who survived a disease got superpowers and were basically imprisoned and hunted down. Here's the list of powers:
*the further you go down the list, the more "dangerous" the ability becomes*
Green - Super Intelligence
Blue - Telekinesis
Yellow - Electrokinesis
Red - Pyrokinesis
Orange - Mind Control
This imagine takes place in the future, so everyone is between the ages of 17-19. If there are any confusions, please ask and I'll clarify. Enjoy!)

I was walking through the woods, a bag strapped to my back, just looking for a secure place to spend the night. Leaves crunched under my boots as I concentrated on the cool air surrounding me.

I like the cold.

The tip of my nose felt like ice and my toes were numb, just how I liked it. Feelings that used to be uncomfortable were now my saving grace.

I had to stay away from main roads and gas stations, that's exactly where the bounty hunters would search for me. I had managed to evade the camps for years, laying low and staying mostly in empty fields or deep woods for years, and after one slip up, I end up in one.

I accidentally set fire to a nearby forest which obviously attracted attention, then, it was off to Caledonia.

They sent me to a doctor first for a checkup then sent me to a room where they gave me clothes and essentials.

In a way, I was kinda grateful, but I wouldn't let my guard down.

I heard them talking about sending me somewhere, something about a jamboree? It didn't rub me the right way, so when a blue led a riot that broke though the fences, I took the opportunity and ran.

And I've been running ever since.

I found a secluded enough spot, far from most trees, and opened up my bag. I pulled out a large fire blanket and laid it on the ground, using my bag as a pillow.

I then laid in my make-shift sleeping bag, folding the fire blanket over myself once I was settled. It wasn't the most conventional, but it was necessary. I can't control my abilities. That's how the first fire that got me caught started.

One minute I'm fine, and the next, my clothes are burnt to a crisp and I'm standing in a ring of flames. That's one of the reasons I was a little grateful for getting caught. They gave me clothes, a backpack, and blanket that won't burn.

I finally didn't have to worry about wondering naked until I found an old store or something if I started to flame up.

I thought about the camp and the kids who are still there, and the ones who aren't. I thought back to my mom and dad.

They weren't like the other parents. They tried to protect me for as long as they could until one day, the couldn't anymore.

I couldn't even hug them goodbye.

I blinked, feeling a tear fall from my eye. It sizzles on my skin, evaporating almost immediately. I frown. I can't even cry without this stupid power acting up.

I can't touch anything.

The few people I actually encounter out here are all hostile once they learn about what I am.

A red.

A dangerous, hostile, aggressive, red.

More tears fell but they only touch me for a moment before sizzling away. I pull my arms into the blanket more, knowing that if I touch the grass, I'll light it. I can't touch anything when I'm like this. I let out a breath, steam emanating from my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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