How Could I Say No? || Sapnap

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Y/n's POV

Nick and I have been friends since middle school and best friends since 10th Grade. From that point on, we did everything together.

When I went on my first date, he was there, in the background of course.

When he started YouTube, I was there.

When I started streaming, he was there.

When he met Dream, I was there.

We supported each other through everything. But lately, things have been... weird. In a recent podcast he did with some of the guys, they were pestering him about me, insisting that he and I have been friends for so long and that we must've done something.

He admitted that he used to have a crush on me and that it always seems to resurface, just when he thinks it's gone. He said he never acted on it in fear of rejection and losing our friendship. This got the guys to bother him more, asking if he currently had feelings for me.

He never gave a clear answer.

He dodged the question completely and redirected the attention.

I've been thinking about it ever since.

Why dodge the question?

It must mean he feels something for me... right?

I sat in my room, staring at my ceiling for what felt like hours, but was really only 20 minutes, for the 4th day in a row. I was trying to figure out why I was overthinking his response. It could be because I've known him for so long yet didn't know the answer to that.

Or maybe it's because he's never mentioned it before.

Maybe it explains why he's never really gotten a girlfriend or even had his first kiss yet. It makes sense, almost as if he's been waiting...

Or maybe Im scared he doesn't like me...

Maybe I DO have feelings for Nick...

A knock on my door brought me out of my trance. "N/n, pizzas here! You coming?" Nicks voice called from the other side. "Yeah one sec!" I called back, grabbing my phone and walking out of my room and into our shared apartment. I go to the kitchen and see him sitting at the counter, phone in one hand and a slice of pizza in the other.

"I got your favorite." He smiles, nudging the box in my direction.

I smile, opening the box and grabbing a slice. "Thanks Nick." I stole a glance, noticing the tips of his ears and nose turning red, just from me saying his name.

Was it that obvious before?

Was I that oblivious?

Why does he look so... adorable?

I couldn't help but smirk and decided to test my limits. I took a step towards him and placed a chaste kiss to his cheek. "You're the best."

Without waiting for a reaction, I turned, feeling my face start to heat up, and walked back to my room to get ready for the stream I was doing tonight with Nick, Dream, and Tommy. Well, Nick and I were streaming some speed runs, Tommy and Dream were just going to keep us company.

I lounged around for a bit, scrolling through Twitter threads and fanarts that I thought were absolutely gorgeous. I liked a couple of them, retweeting a cute one of Sapnap and I fighting back to back, completely decked out in armor and weapons, and tagging Sapnap as well. I looked at the time and noticed it was 5 minutes until the agreed upon time for the stream so I got up, quickly turning on my monitor and setting up my face cam for the stream, making sure I look presentable.

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