Body Heat || GeorgeNotFound

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Y/n's POV


"Yeah, it's for a video."

"Why the fuck do you need 225kgs of ice for a video?"

George chuckles at my question and I hear the sound of ice getting dumped into a cooler. "I have a little scoop, and every minute, I have to add a scoop."

"Every minute? Geez, you're asking to freeze to death."

"Yeah, I'm not that excited about it either." He replies sarcastically; I could practically hear him rolling his eyes.

I pondered for a moment, remembering the last time he did a challenge like this. "You want some help?" I ask, actually wanting to help and also just wanting to see him, but he didn't need to know that.


"I could come help you. I could scoop the ice for you or keep your keyboard and stuff dry during the challenge?" I tapped my fingers on the surface of my counter.

"Oh, no! You don't have to! I mean, the guys are gonna be in the call so you could join that." He replies and I feel disappointment build in my stomach.

"Eh, I don't feel like sitting at my computer today."

He seems to sense my change in demeanor and jumps back with a solution."Or, you could come and watch in person?"

"Are you sure?" I ask, now feeling excited about having something to do today instead of sitting at home and scrolling through YouTube videos I've already seen a thousand times.

"Yeah! I mean, maybe you could help me scoop the ice and save me some time."

"Ok! When do you start?"

"In like 5 minutes." He says, and I can hear clicking, signaling that he was setting up his recording now.

"I'll be there in 15."

"Ok, see you!"

"Bye!" And I hung up.

Georgiee 🥴

'I'm here'

'Doors unlocked, just come up'

I turned the knob, hearing the door click and open. I entered, taking off my shoes and putting my keys and such down on the side table.

I finally make my way to the stairs and climb up, immediately seeing George sitting in a little makeshift tub, water filled about 3/4 of the way and ice floating around.

There was a large cooler on each side, which I assumed was filled with ice, and a board with a keyboard and mouse laying over the top.

"What the fuck." I laugh immediately. "Only you. Only you would think of a video THIS stupid!"

George turns around from where he's sitting in the tub, drenched. "I hate you." He frowns, goosebumps trailing his arms.

I laugh again. "Sure you do."

"Hi Y/n!"


I hear two people shout and look at George's second monitor, noticing discord open with Sapnap and Dream, George sharing his screen. Their voices were coming from George's headset. "Hey guys! How's he doing?"

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